Peacefully, I choose to mow the lawn (what is left of it.
I have been converting it to garden and perennials and edibles).
Peacefully, I know that I can take each next step.
Ask for help to start the mower.
Carefully proceed through the tall grass.
Angle gently to move a brick out of the way.
Clear the area to open the back gate.
Use a rubber band to tie the handle to keep the mower running while I move my car out of the way.
Proceed to mow next to the driveway.
Peacefully, I work my way back inside the gate and close it.
Gently, I continue mowing until I hit a snag and the mower stops.
No problem, I can start again later.
I accomplished what I set out to do.
© 2012 Kathryn Hardage