Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Organizing Peace

I am experiencing a new kind of peace through organizing my affairs.

I have recently enjoyed the peace of having everything ready when I go into creative mode.

I am organizing my projects differently now, as I switch into a priority order.

In weighing each project, I am sifting through what makes my work unique.

Do I need to create something organized by someone else, or am I ready to concentrate fully on my own work?

It is an interesting paring away of many things which I love to do.

I am making room for what I love to do best.

I am preparing to concentrate my efforts in ways which will benefit me most, along with my outreach to others.

Resources are pouring in, as they do when the focus is precise.

Step-by-step access to presentation outlets are being revealed.

Although I find myself resisting, when I apply my priority order, each situation resolves itself.

I feel the certainty of fulfillment as I gain focus and concentration.

I feel the peace of that certainty.

I am able to be all-inclusive, from project creation to release, with this new peaceful sense of priority order.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Follow Through for Peace

When you gain an idea or insight, it is good to follow through.

That shows you have received the message and are ready to act on it.

Even if the idea takes you in a new and unfamiliar direction, it is especially important to act on it.

When you respect the guidance you are given, it gives you a sense of peace.

Acting on the new direction clears the way for a different kind of existence.

Instead of following your own and others opinions, you have a clear line of direction and guidance.

You align yourself with your Higher Power when you follow through.

Your Higher Power has all at the details under control and they appear as you take each new step.

You can move in a new direction with confidence and poise as you become used to this kind of inner listening.

Your new skills come into play and keep your life refreshed.

It is a challenge to stay in the same place with the same ideas if you are gifted with an active mind.

A daily habit of listening and responding takes you into new territory which enriches your life with new views.

Peace comes when you follow through on the new idea and direction which appears to you.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Ways to Find Peace

I am consistently employing many different ways to find peace.

I do meditation drawing, sew, read, organize, and they are all effective.

It is vital to calm thought in order to function throughout the day.

There are solutions to today’s problems, and more and more people are becoming aware of them and taking action.

I feel a wider sense of compassion from people.

There is a deeper sense of purpose as people bond to take action.

Finding the presence of mind to thread one’s way along the path to safety in a world which feels like it is falling apart is an important skill.

Interrupting the day with humor is valuable relief.

Being willing to take steps in new directions relieves the pressure of trying to make something from the past workable.

As you move towards a new adventure, things fall into place more and more calmly.

That is how you can tell you are moving in the right direction.

There is peace is letting things go.

You are defined by your ideas, not by your possessions.

When you have room to express your ideas, you are at home and have a place in the world.

It is a peaceful conclusion to come to, an easy guiding light.

Resources come to you in your calmness of thought.

Steps to action follow readily, all in a context of peace.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, October 12, 2018

Steady Purpose

Our steady purpose gives us a sense of peace.

While we can consider our options, our steady purpose always brings our life back into focus.

As we take our tiny steps in the direction of our purpose, our life becomes more and more fulfilled.

Soon we see the tiny steps add up to bigger steps and that we are getting much closer to our goal.

Our sense of peaceful purpose colors our life with enjoyment.

We are secure in our companionship with our sense of purpose to guide us.

We naturally find ourselves in a productive atmosphere which we help maintain by our focus.

Every new step that is required has sure direction behind it and abundant resources to express it.

Our life and business expands on sure ground.

When we are ready, the resources appear, little ones and big ones.

Many things show up just because we continue moving forward.

Our pace is steady with expectation.

We create and attract the atmosphere in which our ideas are valued.

We connect with those who will most benefit from our presence.

Our steady purpose insures our success.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Peace is Constant

We can establish peace within at any time.

There is always more peace to draw on.

The quality of peace is all around us all the time.

It is in the rhythms of the natural world.

It is in our orderly pursuit of right livelihood.

By not getting distracted by the agitation around us, we can continue to follow our path.

Our peace in doing the right thing will leak out into the atmosphere around us and create calm.

We do not respond to the distraction, simply keep to our consistent calm, and eventually, the feeling will spread everywhere.

Every place we go, in person, or in thought, will be infused with our deep sense that peace is at hand.

The same way a dark cloud moves swiftly when pushed by the powerful winds above, we can move into a time of peace and consideration for all.

Our goal is not to resist, but to maintain.

The many distractions may cause us to try to move in many directions simultaneously.

Our best strategy is to increase our peace, and do the right thing.

What is true will continue to increase.

What is false will fall away.

Our deep awareness of peace is our best contribution.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, October 8, 2018

Tiny Steps Take Away Anger and Frustration

As I learn new things, I can become overwhelmed by the requirements to implement them.

I am learning that I can take tiny steps and that they will still move me forward.

Even habitual frustrations are starting to be replaced as I remember to break down the steps into even smaller increments.

This is an exciting time of taking beloved projects and skills and learning to release them in a way which gives more people access to them.

The technology required is new, but learning is not.

Learning always requires an interest in the subject and willingness to apply oneself.

I remind myself that I meet those requirements and that I am not under a time limit, nor am I seeking a grade.

I can take the time I need and repeat the information as many times as I need and even seek out different perspectives until I am sure I understand my next steps.

Patience with myself is key.

Willingness to progress any way I can relieves the situation.

Interspersing my new tasks with familiar and rewarding ones helps alleviate the pressure.

In time, I do gather all the information and skills which I need, and I do complete my projects with my new skills.

With more practice, everything becomes easier.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Trust Your Peace

You can trust the peace that comes to you from developing and expressing your own ideas.

As you receive the resources from within and manifest them, they become available for others to see.

They can feel the benefit of the ideas which empower you.

They can become empowered in their own ways.

Your confidence in what you do lends power to it.

It increases the benefit of your product or your service.

Your deep desire to bless those who come in contact with what you do adds peace to your efforts.

Seeing peace around you and desiring it to be available to all who come in contact with you changes the atmosphere.

It lends itself to unforeseen solutions.

Ideas show up in unexpected places which create peace for all involved.

Everything is affected by the peace that you let course through you.

Even a beginning attempt to feel and maintain a peaceful atmosphere opens up wider possibilities.

The Universe wants the peaceful expression it designed us for.

There is every opportunity for peace everywhere we go.

When our choice is to choose it and cultivate it, everyone is benefitted.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage