Sunday, January 27, 2019

Peace That is Palpable

Tangible peace can be felt.

The presence or peace and its’ effects are obvious.

When you come into a particular place, you can feel the atmosphere in it, the vibe.

It may be exciting, it may be tense, it may be full of peace.

It is possible to bring peace into a situation.

When you are full of peace yourself, it flows all around you.

You respond in a peaceful way.

You create the peace you want to experience.

Others pickup on that feeling.

It is important to establish a sense of peace to carry with you throughout the day.

That way, you determine the nature of your day.

You are not subject to other people’s impatience or frustrations.

Instead, you can add to the peace moment by moment.

I have seen the peace I carry with me defuse tense situations many times.

We all want to be able to complete our daily activities in a peaceful and efficient manner.

When someone leads with peace, it is easier for others to follow.

I can always take a moment for myself with a deep breath or two to access the peace which I carry with me.

My ability to quiet myself and to act calmly infuses the atmosphere around me.

Making peace tangible is a valuable habit to practice.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

When Your Mind Moves On

I find I am constantly contemplating my projects.

I am aware of all the other things which are going on around me, the news, cooking, driving.

But my mind is solving problems on its own, and when I tune into my projects, they have progressed.

This is a very peaceful operation, as I am not concerned, nor am I included.

My mind is taking care of everything.

Occasionally, I will find myself getting up in the middle of the night and doing some excellent work.

Then, I think I will continue from there the next day, but that is not the case.

I will continue whenever that moment comes when I am directed to do so.

It is kind of a funny feeling, but I am getting used to it.

The project moves on and gets done, completely on its own time.

I am the messenger, the vehicle, nothing more.

I continue to acquire information and skills and then they get put to use in the most appropriate way.

It is quite enjoyable learning to take this in, and is completely without pressure.

I am sure everything will be completed when it is necessary, and that it will include everything.

I feel that I am living in a kind of gently suspended animation.

I am ready to work, and I have ideas about what I expect to do with my project.

But I do not feel that I am the one directing it at all.

Weird, huh?

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Bigger Peaceful Goals

The concept of a “social business” brings a larger benefit to many people through its design to be not only self-sustaining, but to invest all the return back into the business. (“A World of Three Zeros, the New Economics of Zero Poverty, Zero Unemployment, and Zero Net Carbon Emissions, by Dr. Muhammad Yunus, winner of the Nobel Peace Price for Economics.)

By being responsible to the people who work in the business and to their beneficiaries, i.e. the people they serve, they are able to progress more freely.

They are able to put everything they earn to expand and improve their outreach.

With attention directed purely to their business goals, the best interests of the business to serve its clientele are foremost.

There is no outside investment force which has to be placated.

There is no remote financial interest which influences how the business is run.

Workers are governed by the motive of carrying out their highest actions to serve their purpose in the best way.

Everything works from within the business.

A “social business” may still be run in all other aspects as a for-profit business, but the profits are turned inward to increase the effectiveness of the business.

It is not a co-operative where each employee has one vote, but decisions which are made affect the welfare of the business, not the investors.

When adjustments are needed in order to serve the clientele better, they come from within the company.

Because the goals are to serve the community better, it has a more peaceful relationship within the culture of the company.

There is no pressure for a higher return on investment in and of itself.

There is a goal of increased earnings in order to provide increased service.

The peaceful relationship within and without is an important and worthy contribution.

It creates a different atmosphere which is more uplifting and beneficial to everyone.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Moving in the Right Direction

Creating more peace for yourself is a move in the right direction.

You can do this by being sure that your activities are in alignment with your ideals.

If they are not, you are always free to take a tiny step in that direction.

You will always receive guidance for how to take the next tiny step.

Many tiny steps add up to a big step, and in the right direction, they will lead you into a higher and higher manifestation of your ideals.

Trust your intuition and learn to follow it under every circumstance.

You will always be given opportunities for higher expression.

That is our natural tendency, to move up higher.

The more we can direct our lives in service to high ideals, the more we will help advance society.

Each step we take in the fulfillment of our purpose adds more strength to the foundation we are building to express our ideals.

We are able to expand our outreach as we define our purpose more precisely.

All the resources we need are being added daily.

As we listen and take action, we contribute to our own peace and to that of those around us.

Each drop, every pebble of peace, is significant.

You are adding to an important and vital world resource when you create the peace which aligns you with your highest ideals.

 © 2019 Kathryn Hardage