Saturday, August 31, 2019

The Dimension of Peace

We live in peace in the ways in which we bring harmony into our lives.

We experience peace in a personal dimension when we do something we love to do.

We experience peace through the harmony and order and beauty in our home.

We bring peace to our friends and colleagues and family as we live our lives in harmony with our deepest values.

We take our peace with us into the community in our uplifting and positive attitude.

We share our peace with everyone with whom we come in contact.

We are a living witness to the presence of peace in our own life and the power it has as we move about the community in our daily activities.

The order we maintain for ourselves and the well-being it creates are available to everyone regardless of their resources.

When we look for the peace within, it assumes a dimension all around us.

In dark circumstances, we must lift up our head and look around.

We cannot gain peace from our dark circumstances, so we must find it within.

Once it makes its presence felt in our first moment of calm, we can return to that feeling.

As we cultivate that tiny feeling of calm, we give it more room to grow.

We feel the longing for more calm, more peace, and so we listen for it.

Peace becomes our goal.

It begins to attract other circumstances to us.

As we notice and place a high value on the calm moments we feel, we create better circumstances around us.

Our dimenson of peace increases and deepens as we spend time there.

We look away from disturbances as distractions and turn ourselves to the peace within.

It is more important to create and to experience peace.

The peace we share is more important and more powerful than the petty, or even great, disturbances.

Peace always prevails.

The first place it has to prevail is in our own thought and our own life.

Let peace be the goal and let it spread until you feel its dimension all around you.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, August 30, 2019

Clear Stance

I could not rest until I corrected a misapprehension.

I did not want the misunderstanding to continue.

Until I made a clear statement, I did not feel free to move forward.

We must clarify our stance to ourselves and then to others.

We want to live a life of accurate expression.

Our clear focus enables us to accomplish our goal.

We can only reach out and expand our expression and our purpose as we are clear.

Clarity allows us to see obstacles and to remove them.

We are able to bring all our resources to bear toward finding solutions.

Our honesty and integrity allow us to filter out unnecessary and unwanted elements.

Our willingness to clear a way and then to follow it assures us that we will accomplish our goal.

We must define what we stand for and then live that way.

When we live in accord with our goals, we bring our philosophy alive.

Until then, random ideologies may compete for our attention.

We only want to give energy to that which defines us in our highest expression.

Returning to what makes us happy, what allows us to be uplifted and to inspire others, we create a clear path for ourselves.

We become a beacon to those seeking upliftment.

The energy created between expression and recognition forms community alliances.

Everyone who is caught in resulting community projects recieves an energetic boost.

Be clear, take your stand, and let the resources of inspiration uplift your community.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Choose Calm

In every single instance, choose calm.

Let a feeling of calm pervade your life.

Let calm be where you start, not just what you return to.

With all the violent and disturbing actions and interactions, let your life be a tribute to the deep reservoir of Calm which is your Source.

From this Calm comes generosity in the face of lack, 

compassion in the face of fear, 

understanding in the face of intolerance.

We are all facing the same challenges but in different proportions.

Each time we do something kind to provide comfort we are facing down our limitations.

Each time we bring calm to a disturbing situation we are interrupting the emotional chain of panic.

We can begin to hear solutions on a broader and broader scale as we cultivate a calm response.

We can find a calm way through even the world-wide violence we are facing through disruptive climate and environmental changes.

The intelligence and compassion which lead individuals to find solutions for themselves are available for large numbers of people. 

We all have the ability to listen within and find the calm direction we need to take our next steps.

Those who look at the big picture from compassion and generosity are receiving the ideas which are most effective and comforting for large numbers of people.

All of this counteracts the greed which is the result of fear and a feeling of living in a void.

Our resources are far beyond the kinds which can be hoarded.

We have the ability to live in a completely new kind of life which protects all relationships and all things.

Let us listen within with a deep sense of calm to hear the compassionate steps which are required and available.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, August 19, 2019

Peace in Deeper Waters

As I continue on my life-path, I find deeper meaning in the simplest things.

I am so grateful for the steps which have taken me deeper and deeper into the divine dimension.

I am connecting with my soul and that is connecting me to the world in useful and satisfying ways.

I love communicating my ideas and finding that they are useful and appreciated.

I am in a safe place, and I can help others create safe places for themselves.

As we bring ourselves to peace and safety, there is room for imagination and creativity.

In our peace and in our safety, there is room for imagination and creativity.

Imagination and creativity are ways of bringing us to peace and safety.

Our deeper waters provide momentum out of isolation.

We are required to make great effort as we struggle to find our way out of our deep waters.

The resources we need come to us and we find our peace in a new direction.

We are able to become quiet and reflective as we explore our new peace.

We provide encouragement for those who are still in deep waters.

We can assure them that they will find their way to peace.

We see their strength developing even as we see the effects of our own progress.

Instead of being discouraged by the deep waters, we see their power.

We are supported in the deep waters which rise around us by our strength and intuition.

We are carried forward by the strength of the streams which become rivers of deep waters.

We stay on top of the deep waters and revel in their power as we are carried forward.

We have learned how to keep our balance in the deep waters.

We can find our footing once again, farther down the channel.

Deeper waters carry resources, power and strength.

When we keep our peace and balance, that is what we experience.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, August 9, 2019

Dealing With Interruptions

When we are faithful to our purpose, we are able to move forward with confident direction.

We have an innate sense of who we are and why we are here.

Opinions are a kind of interruption.

Our deep listening within creates a secure path for us.

Discovering the process of listening within and taking action is the most valuable thing we can learn.

The next goal is to avoid becoming distracted.

Our progress can be measured in how we maintain our single-mindedness.

By letting ourselves be enriched through guidance within, we are able to remain on track.

Opinions, even our own, are based on current circumstances and past experiences.

Inner listening goes beyond that.

We have access to the Universe of information.

We have an unlimited Source.

We do best by drawing upon these resources which come to us from within without limit.

We do best by accepting the embrace and care of the Infinite.

We become consistent by not allowing anything to interrupt our attention.

Of course, we have many opportunities to practice refocusing, but since we know it is the best way to proceed, we learn to stay focused.

Our lives are here to be uplifted and then to be an uplifting force in our communities.

By committing ourselves to a course of inner listening and guided action, we become consistent in our progress.

We are successful and happy and we encourage others to develop their own inner listening and action.

Our Universe provides this way of communicating with us and gives us access to Its uninterrupted guidance and happiness.

What wonderful and consistent resource to have.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, August 5, 2019

My Best Step

My best step is each one which moves me towards peace.

Every step towards peace puts me in better alignment with what I love to do.

With peace, I am freer to pursue my goals.

I have room to listen, think, ponder, reflect, take action.

As I create a peaceful environment for myself, I am nurturing my creativity.

I am giving my self respect by placing myself in the best cirumstances and surroundings I can.

I am caring for my needs by establishing the optimum place for me to work.

I place myself where there is no conflict, no distrubance.

I am in harmony from wthin and all around me.

I care for who I am.

It means something to me to be happy, useful, productive and loved.

I start by loving myself.

I create a new mopdel for self-care which keeps me in a peaceful state.

I am unworried, unpressured.

I am peaceful and relaxed.

I have all my resources at hand, within easy reach.

I can create the beautiful things which allow me to share inspiration and peace.

I have keep my faithk, I have followed my path.

I arrive at peace, and I stay in peace.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Peace in Travel

Finding a way to carry my peace within gives me the direction I need in new places.

As I travel from place to place, it has been disorienting.

When even the hardware on doors and facilities changes, how grocery stores are organzied, not to mention operating in diferent languages, it can be overwhelming.

Even though the transportation systems change, I can take the time to figure out what I need to know.

I am discovering my center and I can reference my peace within.

It is always fun to meet new people, and to exchange adventures with them.

It is dleightful to enjoy new tastes and flavors in local dishes.

It is amazing to see how landmarks and historical points define the influence of culture.

My peace lets me take the time to observe without becoming overwhelmed.

It guides me to ask the right questions to get help and direction.

I am able to enjoy all the newness and still remain in touch with my peace within.

I am able to pursue my enduring interests while learning about new things.

My peace lets me organize myself around the qualities of interest, exploration, and enjoyment.

I know that I need to take breaks to give myself time to immerse myself in peace.

I am able to achieve a balance by providing time for reflection and meditation as I travel and take in so many new experiences.

I am grateful for this opportunity to give myself so much new stimulation and enjoyment, while maintaining my peaceful center.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage