Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The Surrender

After trying to arrange and adjust and fix and produce, I have finally surrendered.

Everything that I need has been flowing forth from its deep Source and showing up in my life the way it needs to.

I have been receiving ideas and developing them in good and sound and productive ways.

The ideas have supported me and my family for many years.

As the ideas have continued to grow, I have been listening for ways to share them so they can continue to benefit others.

Those opportunities have been provided and I am finding a connection to them.

I set out one more time to adjust the situation after discovering that I had been deceived about the amount of space in my temporary set-up.

It was not successful, and so I let it go.

I then discovered that I could expand my work even without the space I felt I required.

After making a few adjustments within the space, a more efficient environment emerged.

I am now able to continue my work without interruption and without concern.

I have harmonious surroundings which I am expanding in other ways.

I am discovering a commitment and a devotion to the way I do things.

I had not given myself credit for my own feelings over decades of hiding them.

I am discovering that I can create safety for myself.

I can follow through on how I want to do things.

I can do what makes sense to me.

I am surrendering to my most authentic sense of who I am.

I am not making adjustments to others after a lifetime of fear.

By staying on my own path, I am connecting myself to  my priorities.

I am able to move in a direct path instead of making so many adjustments for others.

This is a new kind of surrender for me, and it is exhilarating.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, May 23, 2019

More Bits of Kindness

My best take on advancing the world is to do more and more bits of kindness wherever possible.

Bits of kindness are always welcome.

It is easy to lift someone up by refraining from criticism and saying something sincerely uplifting instead.

We can be kind to ourselves in little bits by not letting chores accumulate.

Then we have time to enrich our time in ways which please us.

I have begun substituting “I love it” instead of letting silent criticism occur.

Everyone is on a unique path learning the lessons which best apply to their situation.

People who have been hit hardest do not need anything but upliftment.

I can help through donations, encouragement, and recognition of personhood.

Gentleness is a good approach.

Tender consideration of a person’s situation is required.

To which missing elements can I contribute relief?

Personal action, community action, all the way up to public policy is in order.

Microcredit has lifted up million of people out of poverty through the compassionate view that everyone is an entrepreneur.

On an individual level, I have left sandwiches next to passed out drunks.

I have given home-canned food which I carry in my car to homeless individuals who approached me.

I have helped people figure out a better way of doing something, and I have contributed physical labor.

I now allow a lot more space for compassion and patience in may life as a result of this practice.

It allows me to do something in many little ways.

When I am engaged from this viewpoint, I have very little room for criticism.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Layers of Grace

In our course forward, we are given opportunities for improvement.

As we take our steps, there are often requirements we simply cannot meet.

We do not have the resources, the experience, the know-how.

Sometimes, in desperation, we simply reach out and say “Show me!”

That is when Grace moves in.

The task is accomplished in ways which occur without our knowledge.

Moving forward, we are also moving upward in our ways of dealing with things.

We are in uncharted territory.

Everyone who has come before has had to find a different way, one which suits their talents.

We are required to reach out in ways which go beyond our knowledge and experience.

So as we reach inward and outward for our resources, we are led once again to Grace.

Many layers of Grace will occur as we expand our outreach.

Our desire to improve, to be found fit, to serve our higher nature, will lead us beyond what we know.

It will require Grace each time we are required to move higher.

It will require going beyond what we know.

The spiritual requirements are developed differently than what we have experienced.

We are led to them through patience, kindness, compassion, unselfishness.

These qualities prepare us for higher service.

There is no incremental step-ladder for experience or training in spiritual development.

We work through our higher nature and Grace intervenes and lifts us up.

Then we do the higher work and receive another layer of Grace.

This spiritual process continues throughout our lives and is a calling.

Once we are called, Grace accomplishes the work as, and through, us.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, May 17, 2019

Following the Course

I recently discovered a call to follow through on an important project.

The urge was so great it overrode all my fears and objections.

As I got to work, I became so absorbed that I lost track of time.

I was able to do work which I had felt challenged and unprepared for.

I released self-criticism and kept working.

I not only completed my original project, but I added on two more expansions.

Someone had recently shared a quote along the lines of “What you do not bring forth will destroy you; what you do bring forth will save you.”

I found myself gaining a sense of calm and poise as I continued working, where I had been panicked and chaotic.

Doing the work removed all the resistance and misdirection I had been feeling.

I finally could not stand the pain I was in as I tried but could not get started.

As I spoke my affirmation, I found myself beginning the work.

The momentum built on its own once I got started.

Each step brought more clarity.

I was able to work much longer than I would have expected.

I was able to on to the next phases effortlessly.

All the work I had done in the past supported the current work.

There was a continuous flow.

At a certain point, that work was complete, so I stopped.

Much later, in a completely relaxed state, the knowledge of what to do next came to me.

I am finding this new way of following the course to be very effective.

When the call comes, it is a fully provisioned course.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, May 10, 2019

Deeper and Deeper Peace

All the peace connections are allowing me to go deeper into peace.

Lessening the harassment effects of the media is a continuing process.

Deeper peace allows beautiful connections with people all over.

Contentment and relaxation become more of the norm.

Gentle action and supportive conversation continue and expand.

A good pace is maintained while strength continues to develop.

It is good to pay attention to those things which bring peace.

This helps increase peaceful expression.

Peace expands by crowding out anything contrary to it.

There is simply no interest in anything which does not include peace.

The way peace comes in is gently.

Notice how and a when peace appears.

Nurture peace.

Let peace permeate more and more of your life, and breath, and thoughts.

Today, and every day is a day of peace for me.

I can bring in more peace for myself and for those around me.

I love the taste and feel of peace.

It includes so much happiness.

I see my creative dreams realised in peace.

Every step toward accomplishing the is clear.

I have the desire, the resources, and the plan.

It is easy to implement things when you are in peace.

There is no friction, no conflict, no delay in peace.

It is a privilege to live in peace.

It is a great privilege to know how to maintain and to increase peace in my day.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, May 9, 2019

A Palette of Peace

Once the moments of peace are identified, they can be connected to one another.

Then you can create an entire foundation of peace.

You no longer walk from one peaceful spot to the next peaceful spot in memory.

You can connect them with all your steps in peace.

An overall peace encompasses your life.

I am not sure how this actually happened for me.

I think I was able to attract enough good experiences to create the connections more and more often.

With my basis for good experiences and the accompanying peaceful feelings, I attracted them more often.

I can now walk more in peace as I go through my day, instead of quelling panic attacks so often.

I can paint my day in peaceful hues.

My palette of peaceful experiences and expression has been increased.

It continues to multiply.

There are more and more tones of peace in my palette of experiences.

I can recognise them and associate them with good feelings.

I can steer myself away from panic attacks.

I can recognise the triggers and acknowledge the abuse instead of resisting the memory.

Then I can place myself in a peaceful state instead.

I have applied my tools and techniques more and more consistently.

I can use these experiences to build a more complete palette of peace to draw from.

I dedicate myself to expanding the sense of peace in my own life.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Pause, for Peace

Taking each new step in peace, requires a pause.

In the interim of the pause, I breathe, allowing a moment of peace to fill me.

For each step, there is a breath, a pause, for peace.

As I allow the feeling of peace to fill and predominate in my being, I am unhurried.

I am restful.

My goal is the pause, the peace.

I will get to my destination, bringing peace with me.

My consistent practice eradicates a sense of rush, of worry, of pressure.

All the tension associated with pushing to achieve, to get there on time, to produce, is removed.

All that is left is the peace.

We were created with original peace.

We long to return to it.

We know the peace is there, because we have fleeting moments of it.

Our goal is to fill up ourselves with so much peace, that it creates security all around us.

The feeling of peace, of connection creates a feeling of security in every endeavor.

We want to include as many people as possible in this feeling of peace, connection and security.

As we all pause, take our breath, and fill up with peace, we will create a completely different atmosphere.

We will see, actually see, the ways to solve our separateness, and we will happily welcome more into our peace practice.

Our peace includes all the elements which make up our habitation.

We include peace in the air, the water, the soil.

We include peace in all the plant life, mineral life, animal life and human life.

We include peace in all the professions and trades and services and sciences and arts.

We live in our peace, our security and our inclusion of all.

When we include all, the earth will be filled with peace.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, May 3, 2019

Daily Order

Even in new places, there is a daily order.

My routine is different, but it adjusts into my new surroundings.

There is a new kind of peace around me, as I find new ground for my ideas.

There is movement and growth as each element adjusts to fit.

I am feeling so at home in this new place.

I am immersed in an atmosphere of uplifting behaviors, common courtesy, special help and support when I need it.

The pace suits me, more time over meals, time for conversation and reflection.

The human scale of things, such small places of business and they are enough.

Taking the time to get to know new places.

Walking to new places.

Explaining what I am interested in using my  limited foreign language vocabulary and being heard and accommodated.

I am willing to go at this new pace as I acquire the vocabulary I need.

I am grateful for the reflective time.

I make room for creative activity for myself.

I integrate what I need to express myself and my ideas.

I am within a comforting culture.

I am finding a new place.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage