Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Moving Slowly to Cultivate Calm

I am deliberately movng slowly to experience a new way of cultivating calm.

I find that even the thrill of moving fast can be agitating.

When I move calmly, it is with poise.

Cultivating a sense of poise in everything I do is a worthy and delightful goal.

Developing strength adds to poise.

Moving with confidence adds to poise.

Releasing original writings and materials adds to poise.

My basis for doing what I love is to share inspiration and peace.

This adds to the comfort and calm of others.

Overcoming challenges and obstacles adds to confidence, calm and poise.

We all can benefit from encouragement in our lives.

Trusting the new good which we attract into our lives requires confidence.

Testing the waters and building the foundation creates calm.

Being alert to what contributes and what detracts creates calm.

We filter out what is not useful and move forward with calm and confidence.

I am finding my way as I develop the techniques and skills to do so.

I cannot move faster, and nothing can slow me down.

I am worthy to experience the good that is possible in my life.

It is possible for me to expand beyond the negative influences of the past.

I appreciate my pace for its slowness, because it allows me to feel secure.

I am able to trust my need for certainty and my ability to find it.

I am grateful for the persistence and ability to stay on my path.

I am able to cultivate calm with consistent practice and to move forward, whether it be slow or fast.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

When Things Feel Good

As I move into more and more good feeling about myself, my environment reflects that back to me.

I find the lack of tension an uncomfortable difference, because of its persistent presence in my past.

I realize that I am no longer being judged and criticized with negative consequences.

I have room to be OK with myself.  I will not be thrown off balance as a matter of course.

I am taking steps on my projects and they are going well.

Everything in my environment supports me.

I am moving myself into places of respect and harmony.

I am connecting with those who love what I do and pay for my products.

I am experiencing new feelings of relief as I make my connections.

I rebound from associations which do not benefit me.

The Universe supplies uplifting and supportive connections.

I benefit from their inspiration and recognition long after the initial connection.

I feel my definition taking form.

I move consistently in one direction which is fulfilling and satsifying and happy.

I can feel the presence of those who will most benefit from what I love to do.

Avenues of connection continually appear.

What I am releasing is being received.

I am being uplifted and supported by my work.

I expand with joy and happiness.

I feel good in more situations.

I am present to my needs and they are being met.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Growing Peace

There is a kind of happiness with the sense of peace growing in my life.

I am able to share my peace and happiness with others.

When I see the need, I can reach out in apprpriate ways.

I am grateful to have the proven resources in my own life to demonstrate the increasing sense of peace and happiness.

I know I will accomplish my goals.

I am learning to pace myself with tiny steps.

I am grateful to see the foundation laid for what my purpose will bring.

I am glad to see its definition becoming so evident that I will not give it up even when tempted to by another authority.

My place and purpose define my peace.

When they are aligned, I feel the best.

My progress is given momentum by how much I love my purpose.

I keep searching until I figure out the next step.

Since this is my way, no one has ever done it before.

I am an original and I am able to appreicate that more and more.

As we delve into our individual spiritual nature, we each find that originality for ourselves.

As I get closer to my goal of sharing my creative resources, I am moving with greater peace and less frustration.

I gain courage to take each new step.

I feel my purpose expanding into manifestation.

I know that as I give I will receive.

My expanded nature includes more contact with those who will benefit from what I do.

I am in a place of beauty and peace and happiness.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, October 18, 2019

De-Escalating the Fears

I am learning how to de-escalate my fears, one by one.

When an event or circumstance triggers a fear, I am learning to recognize it.

As I separate it out from the background, I can see what it is telling me.

As I perceive the message behind the fear, I can address it and provide a comforting and safe solution.

I can use language which counters the fear.

I can regulate my breathing.

I can take tiny steps away from the situation for a more accurate look.

As I separate myself from the triggering situation, I can see that it is a reaction to an element of the past.

My role as observer allows me to remove myself emotionally.

Using my skills, I can defuse my fears and make a conscious decision in how I choose to participate in the event.

The ability to separate from the past is an important skill in interrupting the body’s memory of trauma.

My analysis of the situation allows me to remove myself from it.

I can create new patterns of behavior for myself based on the current elements in my life.

I can replace reactions to the past with new experiences and good memories.

I gain control over my responses by becoming concious of them.

I can live happily in the new life I am creating for myself as I de-escalate fears from the past.

I can use my role as observer to interrupt the memory of trauma and to move into the present.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Harmonize One Element

When you choose one element for harmony, it becomes the entrance to your life.

My element is doing what I love to do.

Since making this my priority, my whole life focus has shifted.

Instead of taking care of others first, I am able to do what I love first.

This is allowing me to expand in directions which make me happy.

I am unrestricted and unlimited in what I do.

I have space and time for what I love most.

Everything else falls in line behind this one priority.

I spend my best time doing what I love.

I do not sneak it in at the end of the day or over a holiday.

It is what I do every day, all day.

I live in the fulfillment and saitsifaction of doing what I love.

I attract resources which reflect my joy and happiness and ecstasy of creativity.

I attract clients who love my work and support me by purchasing it.

It is my greatest joy to create a body of work and to release it to the public.

Every cycle shows more creativity and maturity.

I love learning what I need to know to improve and grow and release.

I love meeting my new colleagues and collectors.

We form a community of support and creativity.

It is so uplifting to focus on my element of loving what I do.

My life has expanded and I live in greater happiness and security.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, October 6, 2019

My Calmest Self

My calmest self guides me to the most satisfying and fulfilling path.

My new norm is moving with calm and peace.

I am no longer rushed and harrassed.

I can feel the sensation of each tiny step in my new foundation supporting me and guiding me.

When I am ready to do something, I can move with grace and poise.

My calmest self reaches deep into my soul.

I am aligned with purpose and action.

I do not have to stretch to reconcile my thoughts and feelings with the action I take.

My unified approach is very calming.

I no longer fear being thrown off course, by outside influences or the habit of pleasing others.

My commitment is to myself, my high ideals, my compassion, my way of doing things.

Everything in my life is working in one direction, to uplift and to inspire.

I am uplifted in my purpose and in my action.

I have the strength and skills to learn and to do whatever I need to know.

My own life-example inspires others through my tenacity, persistance, and inability to accept any other alternative.

I am successful in my own right.

I know my strengths and how to persist until I find a solution.

I am grateful to be who I am.

I love doing the work I am called to do.

This feeling of unity and inspiration and calm pervades my life.

I am where I belong.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, October 5, 2019

The Natural Feeling of Happiness

It is natural to find out what you love to do and to do it.

I have the most happiness when I am doing what I love to do.

Establishing my priority of doing what I love has led me to take the steps to create harmonious surroundings.

It has caused me to take a stand for myself to carry out my purpose.

It has placed me where I can increase my sense of well-being.

By doing what I love, I am connected to people who appreciate my work.

I draw a community of support to me by doing what I love.

I am able to increase the happiness and well-being of those who support my work.

It is natural to feel happy.

It is natural to add to the wealth of the world through happiness.

We are attracted to the feeling of well-being and happiness.

Doing what we love infuses the atmosphere around us.

We are more patient and understanding.

We know we are where we belong.

We are able to address all our needs.

We can share our overflow.

Our alignment with purpose and action takes off the pressure of trying to make things work.

We move confidently through our day.

We have a sense of flow as we do what we love first, and then fit in the other needful things.

We live a harmonious life with a natural feeling of happiness when we do what we love.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

The Joy of Certainty

Many steps will conspire to bring us to certainty.

Once you are tapped into your Source, nothing else will measure up.

Your many steps will bring you to clarity, and then to certainty.

Challenges, which may often appear as advice or recommendations, may be considered.

When nothing can veer you off your course, you are walking in certainty.

Each step of certainty will help you expand your outreach.

You will gain new techniques, new skills in communication and expression.

Your inner joy will be felt throughout your work.

Your certainty will help you celebrate your joy, your inspiration, your peace.

You will find your work is in demand because others want to feel the same way.

The purpose which propels you creates situations in which your work is in demand.

You naturally express your deep vision and the comfort it brings you.

Others are drawn to these feelings and their expression.

Your willingness to be a messenger of uplifting life expression leads you to be in the places where people can find you.

As you respond to the vision which desires to be expressed through you and as you, everything you need will appear.

You will be given the best opportunities for people to hear your message and to experience your vision.

You will be drawn there with a certainty.

You can do what you love and you will be brought into the places which love what you do.

You can live with certainty from inner vision all the way to outward expression.

Your clarity and your commitment will create certain and sure outcomes for your beautiful work.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage