Monday, May 29, 2017

Increasing Peace

Discovering the peace within is a remarkable feeling.

Learning to access it at any time is a wonderful resource.

Being able to expand it is a humbling feeling.

Now that I know where to find my peace, I long to increase the peaceful experiences in my life.

I am learning to do so.

By returning over and over again to the peaceful feeling, I naturally find ways to experience it more.

It is leading to release of pressure over doing things.

It is leading to slight adjustments in organization.

It is leading to projects being set up so I can work on them.

And it is leading to reading the news with solutions in mind.

We have gone over the top in reacting to bad leadership.

There is a reason to have moral goodness in view of everyone.

It helps raise the level of behavior and conversation.

It promotes the discussions which lead to understanding.

It takes away the need for violent reaction.

We can increase our peace within and without.

We can be a model of patience and listening and calm.

These feelings are contagious.

They underlie the peace we can expand in our communities.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Where the War Takes Place

Inside each of us are our many opinions and experiences.

This is where the war takes place.

What is right?

Where do I belong?

As people settle the question for themselves, peace begins to take shape.

The limitations of hatred and negativity are certainly taking their immense toll.

The power of the goodness in everyone, no matter buried how deep in ignorance and depravity, will rise to the surface.

It is the destiny of every courageous heart.

The power of truth and reconciliation which took place to end apartheid in South Africa have their equivalent in every culture.

We are all unified in that fact.

The new awareness of the rights of everyone is clashing with the fear that only so much good is available.

When everyone is expressing good, much more is available!

This ridiculous fear of limited good is where the war takes place, and the space available to it is dwindling rapidly.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

A Habit of Calm

It is possible to train oneself to a habit of being calm.

This was not how I was raised.

This is not what I practiced while I was raising my own children.

It is what I decided I wanted to be and how I wanted to live.

I began by realizing that I did not need to panic over certain things.

I learned to remain calm in certain situations.

Then I began expanding it to other areas of concern and even anger.

I learned I could be calm then, also, and I could listen for solutions in a calm frame of mind.

Now, many big things which would have pushed me completely over the edge with severe emotional reaction, are met with calm.

From finding what I need in small situations from a calm demeanor, inwardly and outwardly, I have been able to have the expectation that I will find what I need in more disturbing situations.

I always do.

As I continue to remain calm, the solution gently presents itself.

It may take a little while, but, because I know it is there, and because I am preparing a place for it with my calm mind, I am able to receive it every time.

I like this new approach to living.

I certainly enjoy it much more, and I have a much more productive life.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, May 22, 2017

Keeping Peace Within Oneself

Be in harmony in thought, word and deed.

Align your actions with your heart’s desire.

Be true to your desires and do them, live them, be them.

Keeping heaven in mind, body and spirit, you can live long upon the earth.

Removing inner conflict is the key.

I have to limit my time in even observing outer conflict so I don’t let my emotions get involved in unproductive energy.

I read to stay informed, I take action, and then I resume the work I value for myself.

I cook, I garden, I create beautiful things.

I learn more about sharing them.

I build new skills.

I am so satisfied with learning new things and integrating them into my expanding life, that I feel like I am quietly exploding with joy.

There is such an uplift to it.

I meet new people who share their knowledge and skills with me.

It is a constant building, with more joy and more peace.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Continue to Serve

Despite all the unconscionable things which are going on to strip people of their ability to be compassionate toward each other, we all keep helping one another anyway.

It is a normal part of human life, continuing to take care of each other in ways which allow us to live better.

Using the tools of the past to maintain and improve life is proving very challenging.

Even new tools appear to have benefits in only some of the essential directions.

The deep connection we all have to each other is something I feel we are beginning to miss in more and more acute ways.

Since so many our communication and discussion skills are eroding, we will have to build these back person by person.

The people I am involved with day to day feel this as well, and we appreciate the opportunities we have to get together and share things we have in common.

We enjoy creating beautiful things, sharing food at our meetings, sharing patterns and techniques for creating more beautiful things with each other.

These simple ways of communicating indicate that we care for each other, a vital feeling.

I appreciate getting to know people with similar interests over longer distances, through the internet.

Discussions about events, skills, and different approaches are valuable and enriching.

I have no doubt that this normal human tendency to care about one another will be the long-term guiding principle of our society.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

The Time to Heal

As I heal, I realize I am losing my strength to hang on to the past.

Finally, it is wiped out, the pain, and only the peace and happiness remain.

I have done my good work.

I have banished the demons by letting them go.

My act of courage has saved my life.

I have disabled the brainwashing of my abusers.

My life is now big enough to contain all my experiences.

It has become overwhelmingly self-directed.

I live in an attitude of self-care, self-appreciation, self-nurturing.

My care for myself has finally outstripped my care for others.

I can now, at long last, take care of myself.

I have rounded it up a little bit, the active years of abuse, and I can fill in for a start, the next five thousand days, with succeeding happiness.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Security Within

There is a place of peace that is secure within our thoughts.

Within this secure place, there is no panic, no anxiety, no doubt, no confusion.

And because there is security and peace, there is a smooth flow of supply.

Within this security, there is the calm to know what to do.

Within the integrity of this unfailing protection, we have community and provision.

The outside forces which threaten through distraction can never intrude on this security.

Aligning thought with the integrity of the security within defines things clearly.

Clear knowledge results in clear action.

The confusion without never breaches the security within, and all is restored to its natural order.

Precise and clear action is being guided by the integrity of the security within.

Calm permeates restorative right action.

Every system is responsive to calm restorative action.

Despite the forces generating public confusion, calm restorative action is rising to the top.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Profound Peace

Profound peace brings profound comfort.

Without knowing any of the details, it is possible to feel the presence of an all-pervading peace.

The depth of relaxation, comfort and security is given.

I know something has moved; the old panic and terror are displaced and something new is being revealed.

In listening within, I realize I have processed so much unrest and trauma.

It has been recognized, and I am finding that I am big enough to contain all my experiences, even the bad ones.

I can still choose to live with good experiences, but I no longer have to resist the pain of the bad ones.

I survived;  I used the skills I had and they worked to get me this far.

Now, I can add some more skills to continue creating a better and better life for myself.

I can feel the profound peace, comfort and assurance enveloping me as I make my choices.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

The Purpose of Noise

Thank you for the noise.

Thank you for the distraction.

Thank you for the wake-up call.

Even though it feels overwhelmingly despairing, hang on to your moments of calm and light.

They are your reassurance that something besides the noise exists.

I am learning to partake of less food, and only of a very high organic quality, thus feeling the calm my body deserves for maximum comfort and naturalness.

The parallel is that I am taking in less media noise, and now, only for the purpose of finding what calm and guidance I need to listen for specifically.

That way I am receiving consciousness of a very high quality, and feeling the calm my mind deserves for maximum assurance and productivity.

I am training myself to live in a very different space and a very different world from the one produced by all the noise.

I can go there any time I remind myself not to get distracted.

My discomfort is a powerful reminder.

Go within.

Seek peace and comfort from Infinite Resources.

Contribute good in the midst of all the confusion and distraction.

It is my gift and my right.

The peace and calm and light are always there no matter what the dimensions of disturbance.

I know how precious we all are, and that we are loved, cherished and adored, and that we are never left without our most natural and accessible  resources.

(Go within, and you will feel it, too.)

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, May 1, 2017

Thoughts and Feelings

We are composed of our thoughts and our feelings.

These create our world.

We can originate thoughts, but mostly we respond and react to them.

Reacting creates a haphazard existence.

When we go within and listen so quietly, so peacefully, we create a different kind of existence for ourselves, because we are listening to original thoughts which come only to us.

They are free of the noise of the world around us.

They come from an inner kingdom, a confident, secure Source.

That is how we can really live, untouched and unharmed by our outer perceptions.

This is a really important thing to learn and to practice.

Otherwise, we are simply carried away and become part of the statistics in polls of popularity and influence.

What is it within?

What do we have?

What is really unique about us?

What is it we have to say, given only to us from our Infinite Source?

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage