Monday, August 27, 2018

Project and Place

It is always exciting to start a new project.

It is necessary to define it and to find a place to put it together.

As the project is expressed and ideas are shared about it, it takes shape.

Its dimensions are calculated.

Resources are found.

Steps are taken to implement it.

The projects of our desire find their own harmonious way to be expressed.

They come to us because of our great love for them.

They naturally attract the best place for their expression.

The people most suited to support and guide the project are naturally attracted to it.

The skills necessary to support it appear.

It begins to assume dimension in real time and space.

It has a pleasing color and form.

It is appropriate and useful.

Every element necessary to bring it to completion appears.

Those who can benefit most are drawn to it.

From creativity to reception, the project is born and fulfilled.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, August 20, 2018

Fullness and Peace

When we listen for ideas and follow through on them, we begin to feel a sense of completeness and fulfillment.

It is such a relief to find that our ideas are good and that others agree.

We can align harmoniously with what we love and share it fully with others.

This fullness gives such a sense of peace.

Each step which happens helps bring it to completion.

Each detail of form, substance, color, purpose helps define it.

Everything necessary is attracted and installed at the right time.

Our consistent listening for guidance helps bring fullness to all our projects.

The more we solve problems the more peace we create.

We remove frustration and irritation from our lives.

We convey peace, happiness and fulfillment in how we live and work.

We devote ourselves to becoming the best person we can possibly be.

We release the lies we may have been told when we were young.

We release the limitations we are challenged by as we take our current steps.

We are able to live fully and peaceably.

We build our new foundations on what we trust.

We gain confidence in our ability to be complete and whole.

We learn to live fully in peace with ourselves.

We occupy a place of fulfillment and peace in our community.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Focus on the Infinite

When our problems become overwhelming, one solution is to focus on the Infinite.

The weight of our problems disappears while we consider evidence of the Infinite.

The sky, clear or cloudy, continues for miles and miles, into infinity, so far as we can tell.

There are bazillions of leaves on all the trees.

Grains of sand at the beach are uncountable.

And we have millions of thoughts each day, processing at incredible speeds.

In fact, our thoughts constitute a kind of wealth, we have so many.

How are we investing this wealth?

Focusing on the Infinite is a good investment.

It calms us down, and gives us a moment of respite.

In that moment, a thought of peace can come in.

Behind the thought of peace may be a solution.

As we look at the solution, we may be impelled to take a tiny step.

This tiny step unlocks the deadlock, and we are able to move past one problem.

If we can move past one problem, we can find the solution to the next one, and the next, and the next.

Take the wealth of your thoughts and choose the ones which best serve you.

Focus on the Infinite, be led to peace and calm, and hear the tiny step to the solution.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Choosing for Yourself

Choosing your own direction gives you a sense of peace.

When you realize how far you have been distracted away, it is a peaceful relief to come home.

Completing what is important to you gives you a deeper sense of fulfillment than being distracted.

You do not have to justify your devotion to your own projects and priorities.

Simply put, that is why you are here.

It is important to choose your own individuality over group distraction.

It is vital to focus on your purpose and to take the steps to express your individuality.

Your uniqueness contributes more to the world than a large statistic of followers.

People will certainly benefit from the good you do.

Benefitting from their support is part of the cycle of recognition for the good you are doing.

They may be inspired to rise into their own individuality once they feel the power behind what you do.

Your commitment to your goal allows it to be accomplished.

You are creating a world for yourself which supports your work.

You are able to exist in the flow of what is all around you by finding your own path.

You are assured of your success because you are including all the elements which support your efforts.

You can live peacefully wherever you are.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, August 6, 2018

Providing Uplifting Mental Space

I am careful to note what I am thinking of and how it makes me feel.

I want to have the most uplifting day I can possibly have and so I have to prepare myself for it.

I provide the time and thought to fill me with expectation and happiness.

I cultivate an uplifting mental attitude by looking within for my guidance.

It always serves me well.

I feel the presence of useful and practical ideas which contribute to the unity and beauty of life and mankind.

These displace the negative images constantly coming through the media harassment.

I find notices of conferences by organizations whose goal is empowerment and information.

I find groups which organize seed saving, tree planting, environmental clean-up, regenerative organic certification.

There is so much opportunity for service in these important directions.

We can see the direction which greed and selfishness have brought to national government.

I am grateful for this exposure of so much previously hidden influence.

I turn my thought to the ways in which ideas are being communicated which lift people up.

I am glad to be part of a movement of inspiration.

I am delighted to create songs, drawings, and meditations for people.

This is a valuable way for me to spend my time, creating positive and uplifting mental space.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Current of Awareness

What I choose to be aware of controls my life.

If I am only feeding my mental life through the media, I am missing out on what my soul-life has to offer me.

By becoming aware of my inner guidance and my ability to listen within, I take back control of my mind, and therefore, of my life.

I become aware of a much greater power within me.

It is a power to focus on the guidance which is coming from within, rather than the pressure of harassment from without.

It is an awareness that there is more to life than what I feel through the five senses.

There is more depth and more liberation.

My life and my mind are my own, not a place for a power and influence grab.

I have an awareness which is always active within me.

It keeps me from getting too distracted for very long and pulls me back on my own path.

I am part of a much greater world than the one addressed by the media.

My world within connects with everyone who has this awareness.

It is a power beyond what economics and politics can grab.

It is a permanent and calming presence.

It connects my individuality with the uniqueness and expression of those who are taking control of their own lives.

We connect in a particular way which achieves its own recognition.

We attract and connect with those who are listening and awakening from within.

Our awareness is growing and is affecting a large movement of individuals who value themselves differently.

This is a kind of awareness which is constantly available to comfort and to calm from within.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage