Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Lessening the Disturbance

Learning not to react is a way of lessening the disturbance around us.

This has been really tough for me to learn.

There are so many triggers!

But there is also the calm, the deep calm within.

There is a reservoir of calm within that we can always drawn on.

It is always there, ready for us.

It is there when we get quiet enough to listen.

When we shut out the drama, turn off the news, turn our thoughts away from turmoil and decide to look within, we find the calm.

Breathing in the calm, and remaining quiet, we are able to hear and feel the calm.

Remaining in the calm allows us to hear a different direction, a gentle solution.

Remaining in the calm allows us to do what is good for everyone.

We are not limited by all the noise.

© 2012 Kathryn Hardage

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