Monday, April 14, 2014

The Best Weapon is Peace

Finding my peace within gives me control over my life.

It takes away the blame from anyone else.

Even if I feel I have been wronged and can prove it by verifiable means, I can still find my own peace from within.

The resources which I have give me everything I need.

I do not have to depend on the goodwill of others or feel cheated by ill will.

I can find what I need to take each of my next steps to accomplish my goals.

I can depend on my resources to attract what I need and to prevent anything I don’t need.

My inner resources keep me from getting distracted by outside opinions.

My resources within provide insight and originality.

My deep peace provides a unique and perfectly suitable approach.

My peace within connects me to those who can most benefit from what I do.

There is no such thing as limited resources.

My goals do not infringe on what anyone else needs or is doing.

What anyone else needs or is doing cannot possibly infringe on what I need or am doing.

My practice of peace is my weapon of peace.

It protects me and my needs and provides generously for me.

As we each discover our inner resources and how to be guided by them, we, too, are protected and can live generously.

All of us, all over the world.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

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