First of all, the feeling of Deep Peace is an amazing sensation.
Breathing in harmony with the Universe, not feeling rushed or pressured in any way.
Being quietly happy, taking my time, walking gracefully.
These are all part of the feeling of Deep Peace.
And then, to extend and enhance it even more, the experience of making decisions in Deep Peace.
No hurry, the sense of absolute confidence, with nothing to compare it to, nothing to give it a rating.
The quiet power of a decision made in Deep Peace.
Absolute, confident good.
No second guessing.
Just the amazing feeling of rightness.
The go-ahead is implicit.
The resources are a given.
The feeling of blessedness in all directions - creating, manifesting, receiving, giving, receiving, giving, receiving, giving.
The cycle of good, beauty, creativity reaching through and outward to all.
This ads to the feeling of harmony and peace all over the world.
It is happening, in every heart.
When we move at the level of Deep Peace, there is a connection with everyone.