Monday, March 19, 2018

Guarding the Quiet

Finding and guarding your quiet times are the two most important things you can do to give yourself calm.

Your quiet is a precious commodity which can influence your life deeply and harmoniously.

You help yourself thrive when you make your quiet inner listening a priority.

How else will you know yourself?

You exist on the inside and then you manifest on the outside.

Trust your inner self and spend the time there you need.

Your outer daily activities will have more balance and you will operate throughout your day with more confidence.

Your inner resources are unlimited but you will not know what they are or be able to access them unless you guard your quiet time consistently.

As you move away from the chaos in the outside world, your quiet and peace will expand.

You will feel more directed and be able to be more effective in whatever you do.

Trust the steps which come to you and begin taking them.

They will take you all the way through your project and into a new dimension in your life.

As you spend more time in your new life dimension, you will begin to see what it can do for you.

It will give you a whole new perspective and lead you into buoyancy and freedom.

Enjoy your peace.  Enjoy your quiet.

Let them lead you.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, March 9, 2018

Sharpening and Awakening

After decades of a planned deadening of political and economic awareness, a sharp awakening is happening.

Painfully, as we lose more and more children to shootings, the nation is outraged and the student’s friends themselves are taking leadership.

We are finding our strength in order to gain our peace.

Security against the forces within our country that are tearing it down has become our national emergency.

The powerful young voices which are being raised are acute in their significance.  

This generation can see the clear dividing lines between what is in their best interests and what is not.

As their power intensifies, young people all over are supporting the actions of the students who are leading the media campaign.

Other aspects of active discontent are taking positive action.

People are beginning to feel empowered as political campaigns move through their primaries toward November elections.

There is an aliveness, a sharpening and an awakening, as long-endured negative practices finally become unendurable.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, March 8, 2018

The Power of Deep Peace

Tapping into my reservoir of deep peace, I listen for how I am to use it today.

I can continue to let it inspire me as I sit quietly and contemplate.

I can listen for new ideas or additions to current ideas.

I can listen so deeply until I am impelled to action.

Since deep peace is always accessible, it has an immediacy for me.

Since it is unlimited in its scope, deep peace keeps me in contact with infinity.

Since I know it is always available, deep peace is a comfort to me.

Whenever I need a solution, when I slow down enough to think and not panic, I feel the deep peace move in quietly and relieve me of my fear.

When I am in unfamiliar surroundings, I listen for my next move, and gently, deep within, I hear it and respond to it.

The most fun is when I sit quietly and listen for ideas, and then the Universe celebrates, and through the deep peace, invites me in.

These are some of the ways deep peace influences and inspires my day.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Accessing Your Deep Peace

Breathe.  Listen.  Write.  Act.

With every breath, you move deeper into your peace.

Take your time to truly let go of the flow of life around you.

You do not need to participate.

Listen inwardly and feel yourself go deeper.

The calm and quiet are quite noticeable and present.

This is where you begin to access the ideas which are uniquely yours.

Along with the ideas comes the steps toward manifestation, but not all at once, not necessarily right away.

Stay in the deep peace as long as you can.

Return often.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage