Thursday, June 28, 2018

Waking to Peace

I awake to a peaceful morning.

Around me are sounds and sights of Nature.

I feel the peace and balance of the day.

I know that I can bring myself back to this feeling of peace whenever I need to.

I have a way of observing, but not engaging, in the disturbances around me.

I can take action without succumbing to despair.

Peace is energizing me and permeating all that is disruptive.

Peace always wins.

Peace is what underlies the upheavals and cycles of the earth, so that all are provided for.

Peace, itself, is the substance of action which is taken to comfort and uplift.

In the midst of each of us, there is a center of peace.

It provides an infinite flow of comfort and trust.

We are led to follow it and to establish our own peace wherever we go.

Peace establishes itself in our minds and hearts and expresses Itself as us.

The peace that none can take away is a permanent part of us.

When we live from the peace that is within us, we participate in a different kind of community.

We are part of the power of peace which spreads Itself everywhere and makes Itself known to willing hearts.

I wake to peace each moment that I feel Its Presence within me.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

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