Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Choosing Focus

The more I trust myself, the more I can refine my focus.

My focus becomes more powerful as it is concentrated.

Although I continue to participate in the current political and economic scene, my creative focus is my priority.

What am I creating for myself and others which will lift us up?

What am I creating for myself and others which will comfort us?

What am I creating for myself and others which will empower us to do our best?

What am I creating for myself and others which will give us the courage to follow our individuality?

What am I creating for myself and others which will help us steward the earth?

This is my priority and it is my focus.

I am empowered to carry it out as I recognize it and do not get distracted.

Some things move fast and others move more slowly, but they all come to fruition.

“Organizing” my Studio is a key component;  I let everything move at its’ own rate in its’ own flow.

I receive the ideas, I am connected with the materials and others ways of expressing it, I share it.

The ideas are simple although there may be many layers which go into its creation.

The layers combine in a harmonious and distinctive way until they are complete.

Then the idea is released.

Many ideas may evolve simultaneously.

Occasionally there is just one project.

All the ideas are nurtured until they are manifested.

I am a key element in the process.

I am the focal point in expressing the precise ideas which come to me.

That is my reason for existing and my purpose.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

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