Sunday, July 22, 2018

Including Everyone

What a sense of peace there is when everyone is included.

Through respect, everyone is provided for.

Everyone’s talents and abilities are given room for expression.

Where there was despair, now there is encouragement.

Where there was no respect, now everyone is seen in an individual light.

Through expectation that light is nurtured and expands.

We are all given valuable talents and abilities.

Creating an atmosphere where they can be developed benefits society and civilization greatly.

Creating an atmosphere where it is natural to have respect allows more development of skills and talents.

The sense of security knowing that the basics are taken care of through a normal workday and work duties is immense.

All have the right to perform useful service in ways which provide enough for their families.

It is arrogance to exclude anyone.

Everyone is here to serve a higher purpose.

Structuring society so that people can get their own feel under them is essential.

Then they can explore their potential and encourage others to do so.

A view of people as limited, unimaginative and as existing only to serve corporate interests has produced dysfunction.

Cooperation, appreciation, respect for the intrinsic value of everyone would create a completely different society.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

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