Friday, December 28, 2018

Lie Consciousness, Truth Consciousness

When we cultivate honesty and integrity, we are uplifting the atmosphere within our own life and in the lives of others.

When we see the effects of lies, they are very short-term.

They may provide temporary gain for the liars, but the feelings and actions of betrayal on those around them is lowers everyone’s potential for trust and goodness.

Liars get eaten up from the inside.

They only find gain from others who think like liars.

When we betray our highest potential, we are disrespecting our Source.

When we listen to the deep intuition of our heart, we are able to draw on the resources of an Infinite Beneficent Universe.

The Universe wants only good for all its inhabitants.

Being infinite, IT can provide good through upright, honest and sound means which uplift everyone associated with IT.

Taking action based on truth instead of lies gives a firm foundation to us and our organizations.

We are being true to limitless ideals.

Truth expands to bless everyone.

It is the nature of truth to apply to everyone.

Supporting the truth is part of our innate identity.

We grow through embracing the truth.

We increase through being truthful in our day-to-day living.

We consciously want to be around those who are truthful.

Truth seeks out its own, and we are part of that community.

It is a distraction to turn away from truth for any reason.

We will have the peace of mind by staying true to our expression of honesty and integrity and live in the inspiring and uplifting atmosphere we are helping to create.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, December 15, 2018

What Calm and Happiness

What calm and happiness I am experiencing even as we move into the final holiday countdown.

I have learned how to guard myself and keep me safe from unhealthy holiday emotions.

Once I discovered I had the right, I began planning my holiday involvement differently.

I limited my preparations and spending as I gradually realized I had the authority to do so.

I watch it all happening now around me with no regret and I keep my distance.

I feed my mind and hands and emotions with things I like to do, books I like to read and people I like to spend time with.

It is a completely relaxed and happy experience, quite a difference from the mad holiday frenzy caused by pervasive media harassment.

My authority over my own peace of mind and body even includes the holidays.

I can set up an enjoyable experience for myself, and that is just what I do!

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

When Things Click

When things click into place, there is a sense of peace.

The peace of knowing what to do.

It is so effortless.

Everything has been prepared and now you can move forward.

Your project, your get-together, your location, all things work in such a natural harmony.

Often, I try to put circumstances together so that a particular event will come to pass.

Because I am not so far-seeing as the Universe, I may be able to create something, but it does not have the natural flow that is possible.

When I just take each next step with a sense of being led, what comes together is truly beautiful.

I am learning not to keep my eye on the results, but more on the cause.

I let myself listen inwardly and feel the intuition, and then act.

That creates a completely different feeling, a completely different atmosphere.

What fits has an uplifting nature.

It appeals to those who are attracted to a higher view.

It thins the atmosphere of harassment, irritation, other negative qualities.

A beautiful work introduces peace, balance, serenity, joy.

A community project which involves upliftment also creates harmony and balance.

It draws together those who are in agreement with the compassionate and practical nature of the project.

Those who are ready to serve are attracted to it, as much as those who will benefit from the result.

Placing good qualities into service, unselfishness, generosity, along with non-judgemental attitudes assures a more effective outreach.

Letting good ideas flow into good action creates a sense of loveliness and delight.

All projects have this possibility.

Let there be a sense of peace and guidance in all of them.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, December 3, 2018

The Peace of Letting Things Go

There is a new kind of peace in letting things go.

I no longer have to follow through on every single idea and project.

I loved getting to know the, what was involved, collecting resources, but now it is time to make room for something higher.

Making room involved creating space for attention to the new projects and experiences.

I am grateful to learn to how to release myself into a higher expression.

Even as I created room in my thought for new ideas to come, I have to create room in my physical space for them to be free to be expressed.

The old ideas were good and delightful, but they are no longer where I can do my best work.

They are not part of my highest service, and so I can let them go.

I am ready to improve my ability to offer better work.

I am willing to let even the good ideas go to make room for a better situation.

I m trusting on a deeper level as I move forward.

I know that my time will be filled with greater opportunities for service, that I can give my attention to meeting needs in a higher way.

I am experiencing a deeper peace as I release my need to complete even the wonderful projects of the past.

I am in a good place.

I am moving to an even better one.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage