Monday, November 26, 2012



Imagine if this were happening to all of us.

Emerging and pervasive peace all around us and through us.

Imagine if we woke up and we were so kind and people were kind to us.

Imagine if we spoke as friends to everyone.

Imagine if we felt genuinely safe and happy.

Imagine if we cooked a wonderful dinner and invited everyone to share it.

Imagine if we walked down to the park and it was full of people playing with their children and grandchildren.

Imagine if we knew everyone on our street and we waved as we walked by.

Imagine if we all had cottage industries and we shared and traded with everyone else.

Imagine if we all helped each other’s children with their homework.

Imagine if we all loved the work we do.

Imagine if our work was meaningful and fulfilling.

Imagine if we wanted to teach someone else how to do our work because it is so joyful for us to do.

Imagine if we all had gardens and shared with each other.

Imagine if we had such trust on a local level that it extended to all levels of government.

Imagine if we could travel and meet people like us all over the world and invite them to our houses.

Imagine the wealth we could share.

© 2012 Kathryn Hardage

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