Friday, May 30, 2014

Are You ANGRY with Someone?

Really, really angry?

Did someone press your trigger and take you all the way out and above the red zone?

How can that be?

What is the issue closest to your heart?




Willingness to look at another’s point of view?

Or are you so hurt and so grieving that you are simply blinded to anything else?

After discovering a long-term issue that had been buried for my whole life, I became very sensitive to triggers in my current environment.

It took a long time (several years) to be able to separate what I was reacting to.

I was reacting to triggers in my environment, not actual evil or wrong doers.

I finally was able to rewrite enough of my reactions to make a distinction.

Thanks to so many inspired authors and a women’s group and a tremendous amount of rigorous spiritual study on my own, I have been able to begin to own my own life for the first time.

It feels different.

I am beyond the unfairness and cruelty.

Yes, it was unfair.

Yes, it was cruel.

But I no longer have to endure any of that, because I have found my own balance.

Even when I hear about similar instances in other people’s lives, I can send them light.

I know that when everything else runs out, the blame, the anger, the depression, the anxiety, the fear, the despair, the hopelessness, the sense of utter ruin in their life, they may decide they want an alternative.

And then, there will be an opening for light.

I do not know when it will come.

But when it does, when it is allowed to spread its comfort and warmth, there will be an inner glow.

And with rigorous, dedicated practice, nothing will ever be able to take it all away, ever again.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

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