Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Going Very Local

The commotion that is erupting all over is showing us that we have no further need of the institutions which got us this far.

Even by fixing the minimum wage and equal pay for both genders and addressing climate change and stopping the wars, we are still running out of resources.

So what does the new system look like?

How does it feel to live in small communities and to raise local food?

How does it feel to do meaningful work as lots of little cottage industries?

How does it feel to know and like your neighbors?

What can you do?

Where do you fit in?

What do you actually know how to do that you can supply for people who don’t need to travel to work and who live right in the neighborhood?

That is one way to start thinking about your very local business.

Produce gardens?

Home bakery and deliveries?

Baby sitting and child care?


Bookkeeping for the other very small businesses in your neighborhood?

Yard work?

Computer repair?

Music and art lessons?

Construction/wood shop?

House repair and maintenance?

Personal chef?

How would your neighborhood work if all these things and more were right there, very local?

© 2015 Kathryn Hardage


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