Saturday, January 23, 2016

Loving the Peace

I am loving the peace after the holidays.

I worked really, really hard not to get caught up in the chaos, and I succeeded very well.

I was separate enough that I could see it happening at a distance, and then as the celebration days got closer, I could feel the media harassment intensify.

Very carefully powered force.

So now, I am grateful I do not have to contend with the kind of emotional power being generated to get people to buy things.

This peace allows me to continue on my track of listening for powerful ideas, the kind of ideas that have been changing and uplifting my life.

“I love me” is the most powerful force I have discovered.

The more I pour that message into myself, the more I see possibilities open up for me.

For several months, different versions of that message kept coming to me, along with little melodies to make it easier to repeat to myself.

“I am loving me.” 

“I love me, love me, love me, love.”

 “God is loving me and I am loving me, too.”

Another thing I love about the peace is my personal reading program.

I have time to appreciate the work of various authors.

Their thoughts and their actions have affected and continue to affect people in very powerful ways.

Philosophies of service, practical steps, new insights, these are all catalysts for readers.

They infuse me and others with inspiration and help direct our lives.

This inspiration and the peaceful and powerful action it inspires reveal and create a world built on practical ideals.

The foundation is in the writings.

The manifestation is in the action generated from them.

© 2016 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, January 15, 2016

Letting Something Else Happen

As soon as I let go of the situation, and directed myself toward another interest, it created room for the Universe to bless me.

And that is a great comfort.

I am happy and peaceful.

There is room in my undisturbed thought for something wonderful to take place in my life.

I have been anticipating my new course, but have been unaware that it was being taken care of by the Universe.

A series of events, coincidences, have provided equipment in a nearby location which I have been actively looking for.

It is even better than I had imagined and more abundant.

It is opening a new friendship with a lovely conversation.

I am so grateful.

© 2016 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, January 11, 2016

How the Divine Purpose is Fulfilled

I hear and do not want to obey, but I am being compelled to.

The newly evolving spiritual side of things feels the deep peace.

The familiar ego side of things very creatively distracts using both old and new techniques.

Where I put my thought-weight determines how it will go.

I have a choice.

I amy go freely, with inspiration.

Or distressed and distorted down a bumpier and bumpier road.

Even the most cherished beliefs and relationships have to move out of the way of the divine purpose.

The one reason we are here is to fulfill it.

Continuing to play in either the pretty playground or in the middle of the bumpy road is just old tactics from an old life.

The new life is inspired, fulfilled, aglow in its new role, waiting, willing, listening.

The old stuff will continue to appear until it fades and fades, replaced by more and more practice of the divine relationship.




Breathe.  Listen.   Act.


© 2016 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, January 4, 2016

Moments of Peace

I am grateful for the ability to find and create moments of peace for myself.

I turn to complex music to engage my mind when I sense a negative feeling beginning in myself.

I read inspirational literature to uplift my spirits and help me regain my peace.

As I write my own inspirational literature, I feel the flood of good feeling flowing though my very veins.

I turn to work which gives me fulfillment.

Giving creativity priority in my life creates a beautiful sense of peace.

I honor my preferences and sometimes take care of those first.

I notice the aspects of Nature which are available to me.

There is always something which can turn my senses to peace once again.

I am happy to find peace in so many ways.

© 2016 Kathryn Hardage