Tuesday, September 18, 2018

My Deepest Peace

I was led to seek my deepest peace as thoughts of the day began, along with little irritations.

As I did, I focused on what I could do to participate in sharing peace.

The idea of a newsletter emerged along with steps for its preparation.

I also realized there were many small things I could do around my house and yard.

I can feel the effects of the many small steps, keeping all in harmony that is close to me.

I can prepare myself to meet as many of my present needs in my current circumstances.

I can prepare myself to share my inspiration and peace in ways that make sense in today’s world.

At any moment, I can turn within and seek my deepest peace.

I have learned to trust my intuition and guidance to meet the needs of today.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Living With Gentleness and Certainty

It is possible to live gently on the earth.

We can become good stewards of the earth’s resources in many little ways within our own households.

We can encourage and join community efforts to be inclusive and to recycle.

The certainty of taking these small good steps will lead to larger ones.

As we all become more conscious of our duty and self-interest to be more caring for the earth, we will join together in more sound practices.

Although at this point, it seems impossible to predict how much good can be done, it is still important to start improving our habits.

On a grand scale, it will raise consciousness and allow us to live more harmoniously.

We will discover that we have much in common with the rest of the world.

We will seek out and find practical ways of expanding our good practices.

We can join with other communities and make sure that no one is neglected or left out.

One of our most precious resources is the presence of all the people around us.

Until we provide certain resources to include them, we will never know how much they have to offer and what they are willing to learn.

The gentleness of inclusion takes away harsh conditions of isolation and uplifts the attitude of everyone.

As we take our own steps, we can begin to look at other opportunities to be more inclusive.

We can face the awkwardness and discomfort and continue to take tiny steps in the directions which open up for us. 

Our gentle approach will help approach situations which have not been addressed so that permanent solutions can be found.

There are certainly ways to do this, and they can be discovered and implemented.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Active Care

Spiritual self-government activates the spiritual law of care.

By living according to the law of unselfishness and generosity, we will receive what we need.

We give from the flow of abundance into our lives.

Our first gift starts the flow.

As more ideas come to us and we carry them out, the flow continues.

Giving ourselves the care of organic food circulates health throughout  our bodies.

We are able to work strongly and alertly.

Giving ourselves fulfilling and meaningful work puts satisfaction into our lives.

Living with courtesy creates considerate relationships at home and in public settings.

Seeing the best in people, even if they are in reduced circumstances, uplifts our attitude toward them.

Beautifying the yard with one perennial plant at a time fills up the landscape permanently with flowers and even perennial vegetables.

This reduces water usage and stops adding to the pollution of lawn mowing.

Our attitude and our practices expand our self-care into our communities.

We are able to reach out from our foundation of practice and demonstrate our results.

Community wide care will steward local resources and utilize and develop the skills which can best serve the community.

A harmonious community results from protection from chemicals, a pure food and water source, and valuing the people who live there.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage


Wednesday, September 5, 2018

The Peace of Meditation

Last night, I slept well and truly very soundly.

Previous nights have found me wakeful.

I have learned to use the wakeful times for meditation.

I used to keep checking the clock and worrying about how much sleep I was losing.

Now, I simply consider what idea to meditate on and just keep doing it, however long it takes, until I am done.

I do not check the clock or worry about my sleep.

I wake up at an appropriate time the next day to do whatever I need to do.

I may catch a nap later in the day or go to bed a couple of hours earlier.

I am really enjoying the ideas which come to me for meditation.

One time it was to infuse the neighborhood with love.

Every time I thought about the neighborhood, I just infused more love into it.

I was very satisfied when I awoke the next morning.

Sometimes, I meditate on an idea from my inspirational study.

It may be a quote from a book of daily readings.

It may be a phrase, or a word.

I continue to think about it, and to let it take me deeper into meditation.

I have discovered that I am okay with the amount of sleep that I get, a lot or a little.

I am glad that I can contribute to my own peace and reassure myself about whatever else comes to mind through my periods of meditation whoever they occur.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, September 2, 2018

When Things Fit Together

There is a unique feeling when things fit together.

Effortlessly, the right thing meets the next timely idea and they fit.

It is so peaceful to witness this extraordinary grace.

As I am involved, I call upon my deep sense of calm to listen for guidance.

Then I am led to design or to find the next piece.

I love the ability to be able to draw on my inner resources and to find them expressed in outer ways.

It creates a feeling of wholeness which completes me.

This process has been happening so regularly now, that I can approach the it with assurance.

I am getting accustomed to the knowledge that I can complete things.

My desire to be attentive and undistracted is being fulfilled.

I am able to take the next steps more and more consistently.

I do not feel ambushed as often by triggers from the past.

When I do have to deal with them, I am able to bring my focus back to the present more quickly.

My new place and purpose are an exact fit.

I have been driven to find and create them.

I have not found satisfaction until each aspect has been identified and placed appropriately.

By giving myself access to new resources and exploring how they fit in my life, I have been able to discern my purpose.

I have begun to see how my new purpose draws resources together in a better fit.

I can feel the radiance of the interaction between my new resources and my new life.

It is a perfect fit.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage