Monday, April 22, 2019

Peaceful Release

As I receive more ideas to share, I look forward to releasing them.

Knowledge for release comes the same way the ideas do.

Through deep intuitive listening, I receive each next step.

This happens consistently in every aspect of my life.

I go beyond any opinion of the situation and listen deeply.

Whatever skill is required, whatever technology, whatever the connection, it is provided from Its Infinite Source.

I can always receive it as it appears in the most appropriate form.

All the examples around me are evidence of many ways to release ideas.

Whatever way is best is part of the package which comes with the ideas I receive.

I am connected to the best way, the same way I am connected to the ideas.

Whatever is necessary and good shows up.

I can be peaceful as I anticipate what is coming.

I am part of an immense thought-train of good which is releasing itself constantly.

All who are prepared to receive good ideas find themselves surrounded by them.

Through cultivating a listening stance, we are able to receive ideas.

Through cultivating a releasing stance, we are able to release them.

Learning how to use the tools of release makes it possible to share the wonderful ideas we receive.

I, too, am capable of learning how to use new tools.

Whatever I need is here, right in front of me, and I can use it.

I am listening to take the next step.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Sure Steps

I am always grateful when I receive the direction to take the next step.

It only comes when I am in a state of calm.

Then I know what the step is and when to take it.

I can have all the material ready to go and be impatient while I wait, but the step will not come.

I can decide what I want to do, but the step will not come.

When I release it entirely, and go do something else, there is room for the step to come.

In a state where I am not directing it, I free myself to receive the step.

It will have a different sense to it, even if it looks exactly like the step I had planned.

It will be freer and gentler and have a natural fit.

It will not have my opinion attached to it.

It will flow smoothly and not have to be forced.

It will have perfect timing.

This is what it feels like to be in tune with the Universe.

There is a much larger view and my step is one perfect tiny part of it.

My version would not be able to include this larger view.

Until I am ready for the larger view to embrace me and enfold my idea, the step will not appear.

When it does, I am sure of it, and it simply gets done in a very calm and natural way.

I am grateful to learn to listen for the calm and then to be ready to move.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Peace in a New Place

I am listening to songbirds and mourning doves outside my window.

After leaving the busy sounds of a major US city, this is a source of great peace.

Everything which needs to get done in this smaller setting is happening.

We do not feel rushed or hurried even as we are crossing busy streets.

Pedestrians are regarded as a priority.

We join the local practice of having a pastry with coffee or tea and enjoying a leisurely conversation.

People are understanding of our attempts in a new language and are helpful.

Even during a busy lunchtime, there is consideration of everyone who is being served.

Since we are staying in a working class neighborhood, people have to get back to work.

They are served soup, a main dish with sides, and it is cleared and they are served coffee.

Lunch takes one and one-half hours.

There is time to enjoy oneself during a lunchtime like this.

This is an aspect of peace and of living well even though lunch does not cost much and neither are there high salaries.

Young people on the busses give up their seats for older people.

Older people are escorted in and out of places of business.

People make an effort to help with my struggling attempts in a new language.

I feel at home in attitude and in pride of excellence in simple tasks.

It feels possible to live in a community full of respect for all citizens and visitors, alike.

Even in my small temporary space, I have room to indulge my creative capacities.

I am comforted and refreshed by the peace in this new place.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Finding Guidance

When I am in new circumstances, I am able to be peaceful even when I do not know what to do.

Through listening within, I am able to hear my intuition and feel my inner guidance.

As I take a step in the most promising direction, I connect with what is best for me at the time.

Even as I search for information beyond my present experience, I naturally move in the right direction.

I am able to correct my course as I go, in order to conform with the highest possible action at the time.

I love this way of finding or reestablishing my peace.

I step away from any confusion or pressure by becoming calm and listening within.

As I feel the calm spreading throughout my being, I am able to sense may next step.

This happens over and over again in tiny impulses until I am where I need to be in the most harmonious way possible.

I am able to release fear and to be safe as I continue taking my next steps.

I am peaceful and unafraid throughout my day.

I experience peaceful results as I continue to listen and receive guidance.

This is my evidence of success as I continue my habitual practice of inward listening.

I have a constant connection to whatever information I need.

I am able to receive direction, often from resources beyond my current knowledge.

I love the feeling of freedom and relaxation from being able to trust such a constant guide.

From the first inklings of intuition to making inner listening a constant practice, I am convinced that I can trust my life to it.

My decisions are harmonious and sure.

Even while exploring new circumstances and experiencing new situations, I am confident and happy through listening to my inner guidance.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage