Saturday, July 27, 2019

Peace and Courage to Rebuild

I am exploring, more deeply than every before, the pieces of my life which need restoration.

I am grateful for the many gifts which I receive and practice daily.

They give me a foundation on which to rebuild.

The fact that so many people are in the rebuild process tells me that our experiences and symptoms are part of a much larger situation.

It is normal to be part of a nurturing and balanced community, but so many of our communities are way out of balance and far from nurturing.

Taking the beginning steps to rebuild requires courage to look at the problem and courage to continue finding solutions.

The solutions comes as we continue taking each new step.

We are not required to make things work for anyone else, just ourselves.

We are worthy of our own attention.

We can draw on all our resources to nurture and to feed our own soul.

This is the new foundation we are building, one that supports us directly.

As we fill in the gaps for ourselves, a piece of the whole fabric of society is mended.

As we increase our ability to function in a natural manner, we prosper.

As our prosperity builds, we overflow.

With the overflow, we can increase the nurturing nature of our community.

We can participate in the stability and happiness and well-being of the community.

This is what our peace contributes and is the result of our courage in taking on the work to rebuild our life.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The End of Separation

We have peace when we identify ourselves as having many good things in common with others.

The isolation, which may have begun due to conditions beyond our control, is over as we desire to experience and celebrate community.

We are able to choose good companionship and uplifting company.

We begin by listening to our intuition and moving in the direction of what we love to do.

That forms around the core of our heart and brings us into alignment with our ideals.

Such postive practice releases us to continue moving in good directions.

We can build new associations for ourselves as we see our own value.

As we live in appreciation for who we are, we realize we have something valuable to share.

Our joy in expression leads us to find ways to share it.

When we see ourselves in relation to what we love to do, we begin our connection.

Our connection builds from within and includes all that we enjoy.

We find our resources, our timing, our clients.

We include supportive friends.

We find them where we can share what we love to do.

Our connection ends our isolation and our separation by building the normal, everyday associations which we are entitled to have.

It places us in healthy friendships around healthy work environments.

It ends the separation between ideas and accomplishments.

It creates happiness and fulfillment in our life.

It allows us to gain awareness of who we and where we belong.

It allows us to receive the value we have created in our life.

We no longer feel separated from what is good in life.

We are generating it from within and seeign the results.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Powerful Presence of Peace

Even when the many circumstances which surround us show disruption and disturbance, there is a place to find peace.

Peace comes from our quiet listening within.

When we take care of our situation by standing wholly on our peaceful ground within, we know that we have everything we need.

We remain untouched and unmoved by circumstances which change.

We are in contact with our permanent spiritual nature, our oneness with our Source.

We may be challenged, but every time we take that stand for ourselves, we respond to a higher power.

We become habituated to finding our solutions by becoming present to peace.

The distraction of disruption remeinds us where our peace can be found.

We find ways to involve ourselves in peaceful action.

We connect with others in peaceful and uplifting ways.

We spread an atmosphere of peace throughout our communities.

The powerful presence of peace permeates our consciousness.

We feel it in our being, throughout our body, in our conversation, in our work.

We see it spread to our government and see it reflected in well-being for everyone.

Our peace within sets a standard not only for us, but for every institution we are involved with.

It dedicates us to the benefits of well-being for everyone.

Everyone can achieve and make a greater contribution to society, civilization and government by starting from a sense of well-being and peace.

Our connection to peace establishes it as a possibility wherever we are.

Peace has unlimited expansion.

It gathers the resources it needs from every one of us.

When we feel the powerful presence of peace within us, it spreads everywhere.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, July 15, 2019

A Habit of Peace

My deep peace is becoming a habit.

Peace is becoming more dominant in my life as I become more and more consistent about returning to peace and maintaining it.

I can access peace in many ways.

I can slow my breathing.

I can do Meditation Drawing.

I can read, sing, cook, sew, crochet, knit, paint, draw.

All these are activites which allow me to access my peace.

The peace without is a refleciton of the peace from within.

The more I practice peace, the more room I create for it in my life.

I know others feel it, because of the new responses I receive in my daily life.

As I carry less fear and more safety within, I experience more care and safety without.

People notice that I have something valuable to contribute in new situations.

My quiet cofidence and strength are becoming apparent.

I am conquering my demons as I change my perspective.

I am creating more space for happiness and as I expand my peace and safety.

I am able to gain new skills as I approach them with confdience and patience.

I receive the rewards of my excellent work as I trust the peace within.

I do not hesitate to express myself through my work.

My peace insures the acceptance and placement of my excellent work.

I am connected to good thorugh my peace.

I ward off any distrubances through my confident and consistent practice of peace.

I find myself in uplfiting and beautiful surroundings through my peace.

My habit of peace has changed my life.

© 2919 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Move Into Your Poise

There is a poise and security which comes from listening within.

Each time we feel doubt, we know where to find the solution.

We have confidence in our listening ability.

Our poise comes from a habit of not getting distracted by opinions.

We quietly move into our poise whenever we are confronted with competing views.

We let the solution reveal itself as we pause and let our peace contribute to the discussion.

We feel the peace and move with poise in every situation.

We make the right choices and connections through remaining poised and listening within.

We bring comfort and assurance to the situation whenever we are consulted.

Our reptuation as a problem solver gains strength.

We are never confused by conflicting opinions and views.

We feel the presence of the solution even before we are called.

As we listen to what we are being told, the radiance of the solution appears.

As we move toward that radiance, all are embraced in the perfection of the solution.

This creates unity in carrying out the steps which are revealed.

The whole organization and operation is carried out efficiently.

Everyone is uplfited and feels confident and energized.

The project is completed on time and the benefits are evident.

Poise from listening within permeates the community, the organization and its projects.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Patterns and Variations

We live with patterns and variations throughout our lives.

As our needs change, so do the patterns and their variations.

We may have a need for companionship or we may need to be alone.

We may enjoy our location in a large metropolitan area or we may prefer a more relaxed rural setting.

We may need the independence of private transportation or we may be well served by public transportation.

Staying attuned to our needs and listening for how the Universe fulfills them gives us new patterns and variations.

We are taken well beyond even our largest imagination.

We are given intimacies and connections which are stronger than we could plan.

Our life, in the hands of the Divine, takes on new strength and happiness.

When we sense a new pattern, we can watch as its variations evolve.

In our life, we are able to embrace the new patterns which serve us.

We are able to expand our outreach and service as the new pattern and its variations evolve.

As we listen within, we are guided to take the steps which are most appropriate in the development of our ideas and gifts.

We can have the fulfillment and satisfaction of renewed energy as we shift to follow the new pattern and see its benefits for all who are placed to receive them.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Change the Pattern

If there is something that is not working for you, there is a way you can help yourself.

You can change your pattern and that will interrupt some element which is creating the problem.

Your habits of thought and action have brought you to where you are.

When you change any aspect of that, it will begin to change what is producing the disturbance.

You may have to change several parts of your life pattern in order to bring about the improvement you seek.

If you are serious about living better, you will continue until you rewrite whatever is necessary.

There is always room for you to create more upliftment in your life.

As you fill yourself with inspiring ideas, you can feel a change for the better.

Your own desire to live above your problems will keep bringing answers to you.

Creative input will yield an uplifting pattern change.

As you write, draw, dance, cook, walk in Nature, read, you will be drawn into a life full of new ideas.

You will discover what feels best to you and as you invest your time in doing it, you pattern will change.

Once you are involved in living your life with a different emphasis, you may sense other deep feelings.

You may become open to a deeper new direction.

Continue your creative practice and listen within.

Your new direction will uplift you into healing.

You will move far beyond correcting the original problem which brought you to this process of pattern change.

You will see yourself in a much much generous light.

Your desire to solve yor poroblem and your willingness to change the elements which were causing it has rendered you more valuable in another direction.

You are now an agent for healing.

Your experience alone will become inspiring to others.

If you feel called, you may find yourself involved more directly in helping others change their pattern to rise above their problems.

The upliftment you now feel and the confidence you have gained give you a much higher position.

Your gain can spill over into the lives of others for their betterment.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, July 1, 2019

Deep Peace and Security

I have deep peace within.

Finding this has been the best thing that has ever happened to me.

I can always reference my deep peace.

It is always within me.

There is no doubt in it.

I am always sure of its guidance.

I can act with confidence.

My little steps, taken with assurance, give me the feeling I need to take big steps.

When I open myself to deep peace, that is what I receive.

When I open myself to confidence and assurance, that is what I receive.

When I open myself to guidance, I can take appropriate action, becuase that is what I receive.

When I give my attention to the divine within, I receive the resources I need.

When other see this and learn to practice it, they, too, receive assurance and peace and resources.

This is a fail-safe way to live.

By placig complete reliance on guiadance from within, we are able to access the rich resources of the Universe.

This expansive and immediate network is always present.

It is full of variety and interest.

We do not live in fear, because we are in contact with the best in the Universe.

All who are uplifted in this manner, live in security and wholeness.

It is available to all who cultivate the desire for contact with the divine within.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage