Monday, August 19, 2019

Peace in Deeper Waters

As I continue on my life-path, I find deeper meaning in the simplest things.

I am so grateful for the steps which have taken me deeper and deeper into the divine dimension.

I am connecting with my soul and that is connecting me to the world in useful and satisfying ways.

I love communicating my ideas and finding that they are useful and appreciated.

I am in a safe place, and I can help others create safe places for themselves.

As we bring ourselves to peace and safety, there is room for imagination and creativity.

In our peace and in our safety, there is room for imagination and creativity.

Imagination and creativity are ways of bringing us to peace and safety.

Our deeper waters provide momentum out of isolation.

We are required to make great effort as we struggle to find our way out of our deep waters.

The resources we need come to us and we find our peace in a new direction.

We are able to become quiet and reflective as we explore our new peace.

We provide encouragement for those who are still in deep waters.

We can assure them that they will find their way to peace.

We see their strength developing even as we see the effects of our own progress.

Instead of being discouraged by the deep waters, we see their power.

We are supported in the deep waters which rise around us by our strength and intuition.

We are carried forward by the strength of the streams which become rivers of deep waters.

We stay on top of the deep waters and revel in their power as we are carried forward.

We have learned how to keep our balance in the deep waters.

We can find our footing once again, farther down the channel.

Deeper waters carry resources, power and strength.

When we keep our peace and balance, that is what we experience.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

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