Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Finding the Moments

I am finding the moments that give me peace.

I am also reinterpreting moments in order for them to give me peace.

Habitual rehearsal of old moments does not move me forward.

If I am still thinking about the past, and especially thinking about it in the same old way, then I am digging myself a deeper groove.

Now, I am learning how to move myself forward by reinterpreting my old ways of looking at things.

This is uplifting and it removes the feeling of being stuck.

It removes feelings of despair.

It lightens everything.

A reinterpretation in the light of new events begins to bring better ones into my life.

Who knows?

It might even reach into the past of other people involved and allow a new interpretation there, too.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, October 26, 2013

A Nudge Forward

Sometimes we have a desire which is supported by the Universe but we do not appear to be making any progress on it.

A nudge from the Universe will move us forward.

I surveyed a light unexpected problem with dismay, until I realized it was part of what is moving us forward.

Then I calmed down and began thinking about the next step.

I had not been sure about what to do next, but this definitely moved me forward.

As I was discussing it with a friend, the next step came to mind.

As I was considering it and wondering where the location would be best, I received a text inviting me to visit a friend’s new house.

Since that was one of the locations I was considering, it felt like good direction.

Having done a little research, I feel I am ready to take the next step and move forward.

Sometimes dismay is a nudge to move forward.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, October 21, 2013


Expressing your life goals through the qualities of life you live is a powerful statement.

Everyone around you feels it.

It is so peaceful when you come into alignment and express yourself in the way that feels best to you.

It may involve a career change, learning new skills, becoming more unlimited.

It make take you to a different location.

However, when you move from peace, you will find it gives your life an entirely different focus.

The focus is inward.

How are you directing your feelings?

Which feelings are you cultivating?

Do you keep reacting to experiences of the past?

How do you replace those experiences and the feelings they evoke?

How do you redirect your thoughts and find the feelings that give you peace?

Listening from within guides you through all those steps.

Keep listening for the peaceful ones.

Argue with the thought that you have to be uncomfortable in order to make a living.

When you accomplish your life goals by changing your direction, you are contributing to the peace of the world.

It is worth all the steps yo have to figure out.

Go blind if you have to, not having a clue what to do.

But go.

Your expression is important.

Only by expressing your deepest happiness in whatever you do, will you contribute to the peace of the world.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Igniting Love and Compassion

I live in Infinite Light.

I am an infinite “lighter”.

Wherever I go, my light ignites the spark within all those who turn to see.

They feel it and they press closer to me.

They want to have what I have.

They want to feel on fire with love and compassion.

It is what I have always had within.

Now I know how to release it.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Welcome Into My Light

It may be that you have had a negative, horrible, traumatic, awful experience which has continued to scare you and limit you throughout your life.

My solution, through a workshop, was to welcome the perpetrator into my light.

I had wrestled with the consequences for many years and was able to take steps toward my own light.

But I still felt hurt and broken and unable to participate in much of the good I saw around me.

As I realized how hurt and unresourceful, how limited in his ability to experience good, the perpetrator was, I was finally able to realize that I could shine my light upon him.

I had learned about my light and learned how to express it widely and freely and imaginatively.

I had learned how valuable I am, regardless of how I was treated.

I had learned that I am happy, because I know myself to be happy.

I had learned that no one else’s actions could take away from who I am.

I had learned that my right to happiness is a birthright and that I can find it within and it will express itself without.

My perpetrator had never figured out any of this for himself.

Despite his cruel limitations, he, too, has a right to happiness.

As he could not find these for himself, I now know, that I can bring him into my light.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Dramatic Changes

I am so grateful to experience what is good today.

Everyone I know is so grateful to experience what is good today.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, is so grateful to experience what is good today.

I see many examples of support for individuals through social media.

It is so wonderful to have that outlet and communication.

When someone presents a problem or dilemma, there are numerous people to chime in with help.

Together they give a rich resource of their collective experiences.

Their ideas can help turn a situation around, and open up the person to at least the fact that there are solutions.

That is one of the many things that is good today.

Anything that gets us looking at what is good, increases the good in our lives.

What we look at, increases.

What we practice, increases.

What we focus on, increases.

Despite the media campaigns about what is bad, or solving what is bad, we can keep finding the places of good, even as we support the solutions that make sense to us.

Finding the places of good and staying there in our thoughts, will take us and keep us in those places in life.

As we learn this, we can do it. 

Every one of us can practice this, everyone all over the world.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, October 7, 2013

Practical Peace

Once again, I am overflowing with ideas.

I am so blessed by the Universe.

I study my inspirational writings and they take practical form.

Ideas translate into actions and products.

A new community location for study appears out of an adversarial position.

Doubt is replaced by calm certainty.

Order embraces abundance.

Abundance embraces order.

Things go in a flow today.

There is balance and harmony.

I am fed and I prosper.

No harm comes to me.

I have calm and fulfilling activities.

My business takes its next steps forward.

An old vessel empties and another vessel is filled.

I sit and bask in the presence and harmony, guidance and protection of the Universe.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage