Tuesday, December 16, 2014

The World Situation

As the world situation gets more and more aggravated, I am forced to realize that the solutions lie in directions that I, within my cultural setting, cannot imagine.

But I do know there are solutions.

Since I do not know what they are, I am able to turn my thought inward to consider the Source of all life, and therefore, of all solutions.

Treading on the ground of those who take lives to pay with their own lives has not worked so far.

It has been tried for several thousand years, and we have made no visible progress.

So there is another way to look at it which we, as world citizens, have not found yet.

But we hear ideas.

We learned about forgiveness and reconciliation in South Africa.

We have learned about “Be Peace” in Costa Rica.

We have learned about random number generator (RNG) computers and the effects that the thoughts of large numbers of people converging in the same direction can have.

We have learned about HeartMath.

There are many visionaries who are communicating ideas beyond what has ever been tried.

And we are all coming to some of the same conclusions.

That is has to be different.

That it has to be something we each discover within ourselves.

That it has to be larger than any one group.

Only then can the larger, more peaceful view take effect.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage


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