Everyone in a while, the rubber band snaps back and I am pulled into the old nightmare.
But I have learned something about establishing a new place of peace.
i can create a place that is compatible with my innermost joy and delight.
And so, when my old wild ride snaps, it flings me into a nice, comfy, happy place.
I discovered this metaphor when I was following a success practice of writing down my desire and repeating it to myself several times a day.
The goal was one thousand times.
When I got around the mid five-hundreds, it snapped back, and I realized after that many affirmations, it was not my goal at all.
I carefully looked at what I truly wanted at that point, and I then started building a new path toward it.
I can feel the difference!
The old definition of success was built on someone else’s version of my life and career.
Even though I had obediently followed it, it was never my own.
I didn’t realize that I had a choice until the rubber band snapped and pulled me away from the direction my affirmation was leading me.
Now, both my own goal and the affirmations which support it are in alignment.
And I am living in that new place I have always desired and I am developing a career which I love and which expresses who I truly am.
© 2016 Kathryn Hardage
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