Monday, March 25, 2019

Being Where I Am

My desire has led me to take on new adventures.

I love following through on a lifelong goal and finding it expansive beyond what I expected.

Because there is so much more to life which we do not see on the surface, new adventures bring deep experiences.

My excitement is turning to peace.

I see why I am here.

I am able to perceive a great and underlying peace in my new places and experiences.

It is as I had hoped.

New views are appearing in front of me every day.

Experiencing daily activities in terms of different values, expressed by architecture, conversation, art, daily walks, how food is served, shows me the same things, but from a different view.

The view is respect and dignity and consideration in the little, daily things.

There is intensity and busyness, but they are to serve real needs.

There is not the excess of corporate oversell.

People walk, everywhere they need to go.

Driving and public transportation is also widely available, but small neighborhoods which are defined by plazas, allow personable interactions.

It is such a relief to be able to relate to persons, not to corporations.

It is such a joy to interact in tiny, human-scale businesses.

Even in large establishments, there are people attending to the needs of the people who enter their doors.

Children are polite and people are unafraid, though aware.

Parents hold the hands of their children, even the older elementary age ones, as they walk on the streets.

Yes, they are keeping them close and protecting them, and yes, the children are willing to be held so.

There are racially and nationally defined neighborhoods, and they are also open to multi-racial and multi-national interactions.

There is not the subservient and raging racial fear which I have only experienced of late where I come from.

My adventure is giving me much more in awareness and appreciation and possibility than I ever expected.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Where Peace Flows

Peace which flows from within permeates my entire being.

People around me feel this peace and it calms the atmosphere around them.

The tendrils of this feeling of peace explore every nook and cranny and enter wherever there is space.

Certain places feel peaceful.

Botanical gardens express so much beauty and peace.

Wild natural areas beckon with their promise of perfect balance and unexpected beauty.

Beautiful relationships are peaceful when based on appreciation, consideration, respect and dignity.

Peace establishes itself through natural order.

Chaos is impossible within the influence of peace.

A nurturing instinct stills fear and brings peace and comfort.

Every breath, every endeavor aimed at peace gathers every harmonious element to bring it about.

A peaceful life has the power to surround itself with peace and to increase peace in the community.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage 

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Peace All Around Me in Madrid

I am surrounded by peace in this new place I am visiting.

I notice the absence of fear and tension.

The exchanges between customers and clients and workers sparkle.

Obviously, people come here regularly and are known to each other.

I do not sense competition or comparison.

There is camaraderie between well-known repeat customers and friends.

We are included by the second day.

Simple pleasures in simple daily interactions.

On the streets, we are noticeable tourists in our orange hunting season visibility hats.

Gradually, we figure out bus and subway routes.

We walk in a leisurely manner down the streets as we notice where to buy fresh fruits and where to do our laundry.

Everything is old world, small, and human-scaled.

Work flows at a busy, but inclusive, pace.

We are given no-nonsense directions, often volunteered.

There is no anger, no frustration as we observe interactions around us.

I see a kind of peace of living in a place where people are secure, all over the working class neighborhood where we are based.

This kind of peace is palpable.

My conclusion is that this kind of peace is doable, and works through an attitude of compassion, inclusion and equality.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Peace From Within

I love feeling so good within that it creates more peace all around me.

From consistent listening within, and from trusting and implementing the ideas I receive, I live in deep peace.

I am able to find my way back to peace when there is an interruption.

I stay on my track of peace and harmony.

I create greater peace in my own life and express it outwardly.

I find myself connecting with resources more easily.

I am happier in my life as I see it flow more abundantly and with greater success.

I trust the way I live and attract ideas.

I see my ideas create space for me to live more abundantly and in more congenial surroundings.

The ideas which I choose to express are true to my ideals and they bring me comfort and security.

I no longer operate in accordance with the ideas which surrounded me when I was growing up.

I have completely replaced those ideas and created a completely different life of peace  for myself.

The peace and harmony and comfort and love which I sought are available to me from within and I express them outwardly.

I am completely confident about the unlimited peace which I access daily.

I have a resource of peace which I practice and use every day and it characterizes my life.

The peace I receive from within is so abundant that I can and do share it freely.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, March 11, 2019

A Setting for Harmony

I chose a fun setting to deal with a chore which I had avoided for several years.

The fun setting I chose added to my feeling of happiness.

As I began, I found I found I had a much lighter attitude.

I have been making progress over several years in dealing with things I feared from the past.

Now, my chore became easier.

I was able to work through the required steps quickly.

I realize that I have experienced a kind of progress that is not readily visible.

My general work of dealing with things I feared from the past permeates my present life.

Every step that I take to improve my life in one area improves it all over.

My growing sense of encouragement is giving me more confidence to deal with old things and new things.

I can count on making progress in harmonious settings which naturally occur as I seek them out.

My default position has risen to a higher viewpoint.

The new habits which I have cultivated are taking effect.

I have a more efficient way of dealing with my life.

I can expect happiness.

I am putting attitudes and practices together in my life which are aligned with my desires.

This gives me a new efficiency.

My desires lead me to steps which are productive and timely.

I receive a strong and positive return on the results of my excellent work.

I am moved to a higher position of confidence and peace and poise and security.

I am grateful to learn how to address my needs of positive expression and to move myself past old fears.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage