We live in peace in the ways in which we bring harmony into our lives.
We experience peace in a personal dimension when we do something we love to do.
We experience peace through the harmony and order and beauty in our home.
We bring peace to our friends and colleagues and family as we live our lives in harmony with our deepest values.
We take our peace with us into the community in our uplifting and positive attitude.
We share our peace with everyone with whom we come in contact.
We are a living witness to the presence of peace in our own life and the power it has as we move about the community in our daily activities.
The order we maintain for ourselves and the well-being it creates are available to everyone regardless of their resources.
When we look for the peace within, it assumes a dimension all around us.
In dark circumstances, we must lift up our head and look around.
We cannot gain peace from our dark circumstances, so we must find it within.
Once it makes its presence felt in our first moment of calm, we can return to that feeling.
As we cultivate that tiny feeling of calm, we give it more room to grow.
We feel the longing for more calm, more peace, and so we listen for it.
Peace becomes our goal.
It begins to attract other circumstances to us.
As we notice and place a high value on the calm moments we feel, we create better circumstances around us.
Our dimenson of peace increases and deepens as we spend time there.
We look away from disturbances as distractions and turn ourselves to the peace within.
It is more important to create and to experience peace.
The peace we share is more important and more powerful than the petty, or even great, disturbances.
Peace always prevails.
The first place it has to prevail is in our own thought and our own life.
Let peace be the goal and let it spread until you feel its dimension all around you.
© 2019 Kathryn Hardage