Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Finding Peace Amidst Chaos

I carry my peace with me.

Wherever I go, in every situation, I am an element of peace.

I am able to find my way to whatever I need.

I am led to people who can help me.

I can create good situations for myself.

I am led to serve in ways that support my desires.

I define who I am by my peace.

My individuality gives me the deepest peace.

 It places me where I can be of service.

In the midst of things rushing around me, I can find my peaceful way.

I write my own life through peace.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Live Peaceably With Yourself

Written July 23, 2013

It is so peaceful knowing I will always take care of myself.

I used to do things I thought I had to in order to take care of others first.

I prayed for strength and humility and to “bloom where I was planted”.

Now that I am in tune with who I am and the ability to honor my own identity, everything fits better.

Because I am nurturing my own soul, I am able to nurture others better.

Because I am expressing my true gifts, I am able to live much better.

Instead of doing things the way others believe they should be done, I am doing them from a much higher sense with a deeper commitment to myself and getting much better results.

Those ideas and intuitions that come to us are meant to take form.

We are meant to translate them into substance and magnificence.

What is coming to you from in inside is your true identity and purpose.

Honor that and live peaceably with yourself.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage


Written July 20, 2013

I know that I am in my right place at the right time.

That is one of the habitual things I tell myself.

In reading just the introduction to THE MESSAGE, I was so moved by the idea that the Bible was written in the everyday language of its time.

The author has written this translation as a “reading” Bible as there are many good “study” Bibles available.

I am looking forward to the narrative of the New Testament, since I have not read it through continuously.

I appreciate the deep peace from my study which is familiar to me.  I feel this continuous narrative will give me another refreshing view.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Soaking Up the Peace is So Exciting

Written on July 19, 2013

I sit on our covered deck in the country and look across the meadow.

The meadow is full of insect life, butterflies and birds.

Beyond that are trees, and trees, and layers of trees.

And layers of leaves, greens and yellows.

Birdsong and insect sounds greatly throb in the air.

I am soaking up the peace.

An occasional breeze floats across all of us.

The clouds move slowly.

The joy of this peace, the dimension of this peace is so very exciting.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, July 22, 2013

Grateful for the Peace

I am listening to birdsong, observing hummingbird wars around the feeders, feeling insects flit past my face, and looking at the layers of clouds above the lines of trees.

Everything is fitting together.

There is room for all the leaves on all the trees.

Despite the hummingbird wars, they are coming to realize that there are many feeders and sometimes they can even share.

The clouds pass at different heights.

One birdsong does not interrupt another.

Everything fits together peacefully.

There is so much variety in the same space, but not everything utilizes the same resources.

Sitting in my space, I am drawing on resources which have no other place than in my mind.

All the inspiration that I have received from others has impelled me to look for my own.

It has taken nothing from anyone else.

It is just there for me to express in an individual way.

Everything is like that.

No one can use up all the numbers.

No one can use up all the words.

No one can restrict anyone else’s use of their individual resources.

And these are what manifests around us in what we need.

When we concentrate on our own individual unlimited resources, we are not drawn into the ridiculous feeling that something we need is being kept from us.

We have the peace of everything fitting in, everything coming together in the way that most benefits each one of us.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Pressing of Events

As I notice the events taking place in the world, I have my opinion and my evaluation.

I react accordingly.

But I notice that if I put it all in the context of a much bigger social evolution, things seem quite different.

It takes a lot of discomfort to change the status quo.

It takes a lot of bad practice to expose the weaknesses in a social or governmental structure.

It takes a tremendous amount of effort to redirect the thought of all humanity to consider other courses of action.

All those things are happening now.

With our wider communication, comes wider awareness.

With our wider awareness comes wider compassion.

With our wider compassion comes a desire to effect change.

This is happening spontaneously in all parts of the world.

Discomfort, awareness, communication, compassion, action.

We are approaching a tipping point.

So many things are converging.

As a small child, I was taught that one particle of truth outweighs an entire football field of error.

All the truth of liberty, equality, fraternity, is converging in every country, every belief system, every culture.

The truth of it.

And so, let us see how these grains of truth establish a much, much better practice for all of us.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Contributing to Each Other

Out here in the country, we have been learning how people contribute to each other’s welfare.

We have received advice from more experienced beekeepers.

We have received the attention of the local volunteer fire department.

We have had a conversation and demonstration of a portable saw mill by an experienced owner who has it for sale.

We have received a “jump” for our truck battery when it died.

We have received the most beautiful and complete and meticulous mowing of our meadow in the whole eight years we have come out here.

We have received recognition “in town” from people we have just met when we run into them there.
And we have contributed.

We attended a local beekeepers meeting.

We followed advice on how to control an infestation of wax moths (burn up the hive).

We met the self-effacing volunteer fire department when a breeze caused the fire to get out of hand.  We look forward to contributing to their next social gathering.

We gave an amazing man the opportunity to demonstrate his impeccable care and improvements on his portable saw mill, plus walk us through the restoration of his “show cars”.  We saw the cars in meticulous detail, and got to appreciate the hundreds of trophies he has won.  We met his wife and saw her wonderful decorative beadwork.  We traded stories of raising large families.

We met a wonderful woman across the road at the next farm who came to give our truck battery a jump and learned about her fostering of children.  We look forward to taking over some of our homemade apricot jam the next time we drive by.

We are delighted to have met the family of the man who is doing mowing for us, and look forward to a longer term relationship with him and them.

We enjoyed our conversations with our new acquaintances when we ran into them “in town”.

There are lots of little ways we are all interacting and contributing to one another.

It is a peaceful and supportive way to live.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Purpose and Peace

Fulfilling my own purpose is peaceful.

It is satisfying and there is always forward motion.

Not a rush, not a drag, but a nice pace.

Since I listen deeply for ideas, I always have an abundance of them.

They never run out.

It is quite a consistent supply.

I love being in harmony with my purpose.

It is wonderful being in pleasant and inspiring surroundings.

I am so glad that this is where I live now.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

A Positive and Beneficial Effect

Why does writing these ideas down have such a positive and beneficial effect for me?

As I am searching for answers, I release my thought to find them.

Since I want to live better, my thought “within” always comes back with something good that I will accept.

My goal is to have a more enlightened way to approach my life, so that is what I receive back.

As I read inspired writers, it gives me a greater sense of my worth.

As I explore a different view of my worth, I am finding it.

Each culture has definitions of worth.

I am finding that my worth is in what deeply satisfies me.

From my readings, I find that is the case with others of many different cultures.

That is worth knowing.

How we define ourselves and how we define our satisfaction is how we define our worth.

Since I have found other writers to help me asses myself and redefine my sense of worth, I imagine that I am also contributing in this way.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage