Friday, November 28, 2014

Creativity and Peace

Today, I have been sewing up designs I made about a month ago.

It feels so fulfilling to see them come to life and be finished.

Translating ideas from mind into 3D is a liberating and fulfilling experience.

Liberating because the ideas got designed.

Fulfilling because the ideas made it into space.

The peace of getting things done is truly wonderful.

The deep peace of getting inspired things done is wonderful into another dimension.

Soon, it will be time to make the next designs and then to create the reality.

A nice, happy, peaceful sequence.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Several Pebbles

I have dropped several pebbles of peace into my pond already this holiday season.

I have provided a quiet place to spend Thanksgiving.

I have wrapped a few simple holiday gifts for each of the seven adult children.

We have been sending fun presents all during the summer to our grandkids.

I am giving myself quick intervention against the tide of past unpleasant and hurtful memories, and it is absolutely effective!, I am happy to say.

I have organized the next several fiber projects which I love to do.

I await only the opening of my local quilt shop on Saturday, since they are dong the wonderfully considerate and respectful thing for their employees and families of being closed until then.

I look forward to the return of a wonderful friend after her holiday visit, so that we can have our one-of-a-kind special conversation.

I have support for completing my fiber art journals.

I have bookkeeping help.

I am well on my way to personal food security with my canning and food preservation self-education and practice.

My husband and I have agreed on a place to start our garden on our rural land.

We are enjoying the hospitality of a cousin while we are in town for my husband’s seasonal business.

May loose ends are no longer dangling, and there is hope for catching up some more.

Many more peaceful pebbles are sending out their concentric circles into my world pond.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Outward and Upward

What is the act that will lead outward?

What is the act that will lead upward?

What is the spontaneous act that will convert the world?

We are looking for caring, giving, sharing, compassion, kindness.

We are practice self-centeredness, protection, and building walls.

When will we see we are all loved, cherished and adored?

That it does not depend on the things that wall are made of.

Differences bring us together, invigorate us, expand our empathy.

Need less, we can share more.

Forgetting self-justification, we can act with certainty and understanding.

Can we restore ourselves to higher ground?

Can we include everyone?

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, November 20, 2014

All I Need

I have all I need or want everywhere and all the time.

I have an Infinite Source and I live in a Beneficent Universe which loves me.

I am well taken care of and provided for.

All I have to do is listen.

I listen for the ideas of today.

They guide me, they supply me.

I come into contact with exactly what i need for the day.

I enjoy myself.

I am given work I love to do through the listening.

I am given the supplies to do it with.

I am given the help I need.

I know my work is making a difference and is making a contribution to uplifting society and civilization.

I am happy and content.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, November 17, 2014

The Higher Path

There is a higher path to peace and freedom.

The one we are surrounded by is not it.

We are not limited folks with limited lives.

We are not the kind of creation that can be managed and controlled by bullies.

We each have infinite spiritual dimension.

We each have a defined spiritual gift and path.

Following that path leads us into a different kind of life.

When we listen within and take action we are empowered in a different way.

Our inner thoughts always lead upward and outward.

What we do blesses ourselves and all others within the range of our thought.

Let’s not allow ourselves the negative luxury of staying stuck.

We have the inspiration, we have the motivation, we have the means.

Let’s take the higher path.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Deep Peace and Happiness and Joy

During a church service I experienced deep peace.

There is such a relief in being transported out of the worries and pressures of the day and of the season.

There was so much happiness in the celebration and singing, in sermon and song.

During the meditation, everyone was included, even the sounds of an active baby.

I stopped by the bookstore on the way out to buy a book so I could join the current book study.

So much joy is being expressed around me.

My husband received a business call which encouraged him very much in a new venture.

I was able to to help him buy some new equipment which makes the business easier to run.

I picked up some supplies to complete some projects which are one of the ways I express my soul’s offering.

There is deep peace in being able to offer that which satisfies your own soul.

Authentic sharing of deep values offers peace and happiness and joy to those who come in contact with us.

They see it and experience it and it radiates around them and keeps spreading.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, November 10, 2014


(written 2014-10-6 In Missouri)

It is timeless out here in our little country cabin.

I watch the changing light, both seasonal and progressively during the day.

I can see farther into the forest as more and more leaves fall.

The summac is turning bight red.

New, tiny flowers, magenta, pale lavender, and yellow, are appearing in the meadow grasses.

I never never been so attune to Nature, not so close.

Bugs are my new friends.

Such a variety and so many activities.

Spiders capturing and eating webworms.

Dragonflies dipping and buzzing across the meadow.

New tiny lizards run from their newest hang-outs when I walk past.

They are bigger every time I see them.

And of course there is “Deer Theatre”.

I feel the time changing.

It is a natural process.

I am no longer rushed.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, November 9, 2014

New Peace in an Old Setting

I was not sure I could maintain my new view once I returned, even temporarily, to an old setting.

It has turned out that I can continue making progress in my new direction, though.

I am grateful to find that the work I have done to give myself a new view even carries over to old settings.

I now include a concise and comfortable temporary work space.

I am able to add to the inspiration I receive daily and to translate it into tangible words and products.

Printing and sewing resources are readily available.

My drives through familiar places do not evoke old feelings, only the remembrance that I once had to deal with them.

I feel I am on comfortable and safe ground.

I did not anticipate this.

I am truly looking at life from a completely new viewpoint.

I am so grateful to discover the effectiveness of how I have learned to rewrite my life.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage