Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Identity Through Peace

I am starting to get noticeable peace in my mind and body.

It enables me to separate from the chaos I experienced growing up.

It is proof that I can walk away from even long-term, lifelong effects.

I am able  to identify with how I feel now, as who I truly am.

The long process leading from acute discomfort was a motivation to discover something else.

The search has led me to many authors and books and workshops and their ideas and techniques.

At the base and at the beginning was the need to retrain my own thought to love me.

A simple statement, but with profound results either way it goes.

I prefer the positive way!

The peace that I feel, and can call up quickly at any time, is having a new effect within me.

I can turn my thought to new good friends and new activities.

My body is settling down.

It gives me ease and comfort even in the midst of troubling times.

The solutions are upon us as we address our acute discomfort as a nation.

We, too, can find a new identity through peace as we learn new techniques and retrain new attitudes and practice them.

We, too, can love all of us.

© 2016 Kathryn Hardage


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