Saturday, November 26, 2016

Peace vs. Frenzy

Acting from deep peace creates a habit and a frame off mind that does not respond to frenzy.

When we pause to listen deep within, we feel the peace.

We are led to take the steps which create peace, and calm, thoughtful action.

Then we can be generous to ourselves and to our neighbors, both at home and abroad.

The confusion of so many minds trying to adjust to unsupportable conditions is disturbing.

But we can sort through the confusion and add to the peace with our clear vision and calm feeling.

Every time we remember that everyone is precious, and that they are valued, we establish a firmer footing for all of us.

Each time we listen to the difference between media pressure and gentle, unhurried consideration, we convey a more respectful attitude toward all of us.

The world search for balance is being achieved through higher awareness, although it looks like we are running back and forth to prevent it from overbalancing.

This higher awareness is pushing other selfish and partisan interests aside and sending out deep feelings of joy.

As we recognize the rights of all of us, it is a joyful experience to see the old paradigm being forced out.

We are finding a new balance and it includes all of us.

© 2016 Kathryn Hardage

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