A lifetime of looking for ways to be positive and uplifting in teaching and raising children and running a household has helped me cultivate resources way beyond what I could imagine.
Those were challenging experiences and I am so grateful for them.
As I continue to engage myself in uplifting experiences, I am finding my focus change to even more inward listening.
I am finding space for deeply held desires to be expressed, and new ways of expressing them.
The peace I am finding in self-affirmation is incredible.
All the doubts, as I learned my craft and how to develop relationships in positive ways, are gone.
All the resources I used to uplift myself and to improve my situation constitute my current foundation.
I am able to focus on a completely different set of goals.
These have been growing within me as I have done my daily deeds.
I have the time and resources to write and to learn more techniques for releasing my ideas.
I have had the opportunity to place myself in a completely different community and to develop valuable friendships and skills.
I continue to learn and to progress and to add to my repertoire of sustainability.
Despite the disorienting and upsetting news, I am learning to keep my focus on what brings me peace.
I continue to love and respect and value each of us as precious individuals.
I know we are all working our way towards a deep sense of peace through generosity and sharing.
This is the only worthwhile goal and it can be accomplished with the inner resources which we all have as we listen within.
This is my new goal and focus.
We are all worth it.
© 2018 Kathryn Hardage