Sunday, November 10, 2019

Unexpected Inspiration

Inspiration is everywhere, often in the most unexpected places.

In the course of updating our vehicle registration and driver’s licenses, we encountered unexpected inspiration.

We had waited in line for two hours, only to find that despite our previous visit, we did not have the correct documents.

When we went downstairs to get the required first document, we found out that we needed to change county offices.

We went home for lunch.

After lunch, we went to the closest county office.

It was rented to a different business and was closed for rennovations.

We went to the next closest county office.

It was closed due to tornado damage.

We thought about what else we could do for the rest of the day.

We found a late evening opening at the museum.

We looked at the list, and decided to go to the county office closest to the museum.

We drove downtown and got the first required document.

Then, we drove due south, all the way across town, got the help we needed for the next document, and during the time we spent with the agent who was helping us, found a very inspiring woman.

We came back to the museum for a lecture giving some of the background to the exhibit.

Then we went home.

People show up in ordinary places as ordinary people, but they are sometimes extaordinary.

The next morning, I woke up still feeling inspired by the courage and resiliance of the woman whose story we had heard in the course of the help we received from her.

We were grateful for the opportunity to meet her, and were glad we had not gotten mad or impatient over all the offices we had to visit.

That’s a new practice, and it keeps giving us room for unexpected opportunities to give and receive inspiration.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

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