Sunday, November 3, 2019

Lifting Invisible Despair

As I find myself cultivating ways to be and to share happiness, it counteracts the early feelings of despair which I grew up with.

 It makes sense today to notice the many things which contributued to this feeling.

At the time, because they were invisible, nothing was done to address and correct the situation.

As I continue to grow and realize what the symptoms signify, I am able to lift myself out of despair and into happiness.

I now have a collecton of skills and tehniques to counteract and prevent a feeling of despair.

By committing myself to discovering and doing what I love to do, I continually move myself into a positive and uplifting state.

As my ability to be happy expands, I am given new opportunities to do what I love which feeds my happiness.

Getting started on a cycle of happiness continually lifts me out of the habit of despair, and my default emotion is much higher.

Being sensitive to this feeling in myself makes me sensitive to it in others.

By sharing my strategies and techniques, I can help others lift themselves out of despair when they practice them.

We have a choice of determining how we feel once we learn that we have ways of addressing our emotional state.

Whether we know the cause or not, we can interrupt the despairing ruminations with positive and uplifting action.

We can control our breathing, engage in a mindful activity, journal, draw, cook, converse, exercise.

Our attention to lifting our despair will fill us with uplfiting emotion.

Once we interrupt the cycle, it will never hold as much power or occupy as much space in us as before.

We can practice interrupting the cycle with a much quicker response once we know the techniques and strategies.

Our ability to engage in powerful positive activities rewires us for happiness.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

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