Simple ripples carry all the way to the edge of the pond when only a pebble is dropped in.
A huge rock can be thrown into the middle of the pond, and it, too, will subside into simple ripples over time.
Can you hear in the long-term what is being broadcast loudly in the short-term?
Can you see beyond the distractions to the truth of what is really going on?
Course corrections can be made at any time.
But can they be made now?
It will be more efficient and bring more good to more people to make course corrections now.
But that depends on good leadership, and it also depends on insightful citizenry.
Below the surface, the pond is supporting life.
Below the surface all the systems which support a pond are interacting appropriately.
If we build our systems so they support all life appropriately and bountifully and generously, we need to act decisively and truthfully.
We need to quit being distracted.
© 2017 Kathryn Hardage
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