Friday, October 18, 2019

De-Escalating the Fears

I am learning how to de-escalate my fears, one by one.

When an event or circumstance triggers a fear, I am learning to recognize it.

As I separate it out from the background, I can see what it is telling me.

As I perceive the message behind the fear, I can address it and provide a comforting and safe solution.

I can use language which counters the fear.

I can regulate my breathing.

I can take tiny steps away from the situation for a more accurate look.

As I separate myself from the triggering situation, I can see that it is a reaction to an element of the past.

My role as observer allows me to remove myself emotionally.

Using my skills, I can defuse my fears and make a conscious decision in how I choose to participate in the event.

The ability to separate from the past is an important skill in interrupting the body’s memory of trauma.

My analysis of the situation allows me to remove myself from it.

I can create new patterns of behavior for myself based on the current elements in my life.

I can replace reactions to the past with new experiences and good memories.

I gain control over my responses by becoming concious of them.

I can live happily in the new life I am creating for myself as I de-escalate fears from the past.

I can use my role as observer to interrupt the memory of trauma and to move into the present.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

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