Saturday, October 19, 2019

Growing Peace

There is a kind of happiness with the sense of peace growing in my life.

I am able to share my peace and happiness with others.

When I see the need, I can reach out in apprpriate ways.

I am grateful to have the proven resources in my own life to demonstrate the increasing sense of peace and happiness.

I know I will accomplish my goals.

I am learning to pace myself with tiny steps.

I am grateful to see the foundation laid for what my purpose will bring.

I am glad to see its definition becoming so evident that I will not give it up even when tempted to by another authority.

My place and purpose define my peace.

When they are aligned, I feel the best.

My progress is given momentum by how much I love my purpose.

I keep searching until I figure out the next step.

Since this is my way, no one has ever done it before.

I am an original and I am able to appreicate that more and more.

As we delve into our individual spiritual nature, we each find that originality for ourselves.

As I get closer to my goal of sharing my creative resources, I am moving with greater peace and less frustration.

I gain courage to take each new step.

I feel my purpose expanding into manifestation.

I know that as I give I will receive.

My expanded nature includes more contact with those who will benefit from what I do.

I am in a place of beauty and peace and happiness.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

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