In times of stress, it is good to think about all-inclusive Being.
I like to remember that my being is part of this all-inclusive Being.
I like the feeling that I can turn within to hear the Guidance that I need at any time.
When I am in a creative mode, I feel the flow of ideas.
When I am in pain or surprised by sudden terror, I can take a moment, and feel the deep peace within me.
I can give myself the time to figure out my best course of action.
When I am in meditation, I like to spend time feeling the nearness of comfort and how it extends infinitely around me.
I like to immerse myself in the feeling of being safe.
I move from the feeling of being safe into quiet happiness.
I quietly revel in my safety and happiness.
It is something I can return to over and over again.
This is a big change from the hyper-alertness I cultivated all my life.
It is an amazing feeling that I can be safe and enjoy being happy.
I love that I can comtemplate the immensity of all-inclusive Being and find myself there.
It is a peaceful feeling to simply be.
As I expand my peace, I see that I have all that I need.
I can always feel fulfilled as long as I start from all-inclusive Being.
I can always feel safe and be guided to safety when I need it.
It is a true gift that I discovered from within.
That is where I find it, every time.
© 2019 Kathryn Hardage